So I implemented a resolver in angular 5:
export class AppResolver implements Resolve<MyComplexObject []> {
constructor(private myService: MyService) {
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<MyComplexObject[]> {
return this.myService.getMyApi(myOption); // my option is a string
right now myOption is a hardcoded string and i want to change that
in my routing module i have:
resolve: {
myResolver: AppResolver
I suppose maybe here I should specify the value of myOption string but how?
or better yet where I actually call the resolver => data.myResolver).subscribe(
result => {
// do something with the result (specify who the myOption is?? How)
the parameter is not necessarily visible in the browser :
it will be part of the url: /.../.../myString/..
but it's not introduced by a param : url: /..&myParam=paramValue
so I can t use myParam to identify it from the url and replace it
Here is an example to send data
to resolver
Route configuration:
path: 'project/:id',
component: ProjectComponent,
resolve: { data: AppResolver },
data: { resolvedata: 'myValue' }
export class AppResolver implements Resolve<MyComplexObject []> {
constructor(private myService: MyService, private router: Router) {}
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<MyComplexObject[]>|boolean {
let myParam =['resolvedata'];