
Graphql query to check passport/google authentication

孤人 提交于 2020-12-13 04:48:16
问题 I want to implement graphql query to check if I'm logged in or not. First part is similar for what we all can see on passport docs and youtube/github tutorials: I: Introduction(if anybody know what is all about you can skip to problem part): modules/auth.js const GoogleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth20').Strategy const passport = require('passport'); const User = require('../models/user'); passport.serializeUser((user, done) => { done(null, }) passport.deserializeUser((id,

What does the Resolver param in nginx do?

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-02-21 11:06:21
问题 I am using nginx as a reverse_proxy server with ELB. I am looking for explanation regarding the resolver value I set in the nginx.conf file. My nginx.conf: http { ... resolver x.x.x.x valid=30s; ... } server { ... set $elb ""; location / { ... rewrite ^/(.*) $1 break; proxy_pass http://$elb/$1?$args; ... } ... } I followed this - and set /etc/resolv.conf value as the resolver value and it works fine. What is standing behind this? 回答1

Angular 4 routes are calling ngOnInit every time component is loaded repeating API call

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-01-16 18:08:17
问题 I have a little webapp that basically lists a player list and when user clicks on the player name, it shows player details. It uses two api calls, one for list and other to load details of selected player. My problem is that when i go back from details route to home route the component executes ngOnInit again so it makes again the first api call to load the home list again, and i don't want this call again. This is my configuration: routing.module.ts ... export const routes: Routes = [ { path

Ivy dependency management for legacy repository

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-01-11 06:11:03
问题 We have a repository which doesn't have ivy.xml and other metadata files. Since, its published by another team which doesn't use ivy/maven but will continue to deliver code frequently. The jars needed for dependency are stored in flat structure inside a single directory with no revision data. The organization / module /revision structure is absent. Does ivy allow such dependency resolutions in the core product or will I have to write a custom resolver? Thanks 回答1: The standard resolvers

Ivy dependency management for legacy repository

北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-11 06:09:08
问题 We have a repository which doesn't have ivy.xml and other metadata files. Since, its published by another team which doesn't use ivy/maven but will continue to deliver code frequently. The jars needed for dependency are stored in flat structure inside a single directory with no revision data. The organization / module /revision structure is absent. Does ivy allow such dependency resolutions in the core product or will I have to write a custom resolver? Thanks 回答1: The standard resolvers

Ivy dependency management for legacy repository

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-11 06:09:07
问题 We have a repository which doesn't have ivy.xml and other metadata files. Since, its published by another team which doesn't use ivy/maven but will continue to deliver code frequently. The jars needed for dependency are stored in flat structure inside a single directory with no revision data. The organization / module /revision structure is absent. Does ivy allow such dependency resolutions in the core product or will I have to write a custom resolver? Thanks 回答1: The standard resolvers

Angular 2 : Chain Observables in Resolver

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-01-04 05:20:07
问题 I am new to Angular2 and observables. I am trying to return the result of a chain of observables to my resolver and couldn't find an answer on SO. Everything works fine when I return only one observable, but fails when those are chained. I've simplified the code to calling consecutively twice the same test function : @Injectable() export class SwResolve implements Resolve<any> { constructor(private swService: SwService) {} resolve (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<MyObject> |

boost::asio hangs in resolver service destructor after throwing out of io_service::run()

前提是你 提交于 2020-01-01 19:08:33
问题 I'm using a fairly simple boost::asio set-up, where I call from the main thread. I have a tcp resolver, and use async resolve to look up an address. When that look-up fails, I throw an exception inside the asynchronous callback. I catch this exception outside the run() call, inside the main function. I then call stop() on my io_service instance (which is a global). However, when main() returns, the program hangs. It turns out to be waiting for an exit_event_ that never comes

boost::asio hangs in resolver service destructor after throwing out of io_service::run()

北城以北 提交于 2020-01-01 19:07:32
问题 I'm using a fairly simple boost::asio set-up, where I call from the main thread. I have a tcp resolver, and use async resolve to look up an address. When that look-up fails, I throw an exception inside the asynchronous callback. I catch this exception outside the run() call, inside the main function. I then call stop() on my io_service instance (which is a global). However, when main() returns, the program hangs. It turns out to be waiting for an exit_event_ that never comes

AWS appsync query resolver

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-25 02:15:29
问题 Currently I have my resolver as a lambda function : import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key def lambda_handler(event, context): list = [] for device in event['source']['devices'] : dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') readings = dynamodb.Table('readings') response = readings.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('device').eq(device['device']) ) items = response['Items'] list.extend(items) return list I would like to be able to have this as a VTL resolver on the dynamodb. My