I bought Filezilla Pro that supports Amazon S3, so pls how to setup Filezilla Pro to access into my bucket? Thank you
One crucial addition to the above answer:
What is my S3 username and password?
Username = Access Key (preferrably an IAM user with only the rights to access the specific S3 buckets (s3:List*) as well as get and put objects permissions.
Password = Secret access key, which you get once you create a new access key. Store this one in a secure space, because you cannot recover it.
You can connect to S3 with FileZilla Pro with these simple steps:
Open FileZilla Pro's Site Manager with Command+s (Mac) or CTRL+s (Windows) or click on the Site Manager icon that is on the top left corner of the main window.
- Create a new site with "New Site".
- Enter "s3.amazonaws.com" as "Host".
- Choose "S3- Amazon Simple Storage Service" as protocol.
- Enter your AWS Access Key ID.
- Enter your AWS Secret Access Key.
- Click "Connect" and your good to go.
Works like a charm. Highly recommended. Very much worth the 10 bucks.
- In your Amazon Web Services dashboard (https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home#/security_credential) create a Access Key ID and Secret Key pair
- Launch FileZilla Pro
- Open Site Manager (File, Site Manager or Ctrl+S)
- Click New Site and give it a name
- In Protocol select “S3 - Amazon Simple Storage Service” from the drop-down menu. The host name is automatically filled.
- In Logon Type select “Normal”
- In the Access Key ID box enter the Access Key ID you created
- In the Secret Access Key box enter the Secret Key you created
- Click “Connect”
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