Make sure you open the .xcworkspace
file rather than the project file (.xcodeproj
) when working with pods. That should solve the issue with linking.
Some times you need just clean build. It helped me. To clean build go Product -> Clean
There are several cases that cause this issue. At the moment, this question has no any accepted answer and also I found another solution for the same issue, I am posting my answer/experience here.
In you application, go to Target -> Build Settings, then you will find following attributes.
Set values for those as NO, then clean and build the project.
Following steps helped me to get rid of this problem:
- Go to project path and remove Pods folder and Podfile.lock file.
- Reinstall pods again using "pod install" command.
- Open xcworkspace and clean it before running.
Hope it will save someone's time like it did for me.
Remove the local files of WikitudeSDK from target. Xcode is getting confused between the paths of library, which one to chose- pod or local.
Also try reinstalling podfile and remove wikitude from pod file to. IN linker search path settings, in build settings, check the paths mentioned to find the required library.
Lastly install gems before updating pods
You have to check Link Binary With Libraries option. Sometimes you build pod that is not in your project anymore.
On the left panel click on your project name, then under Targets again (click on name), then Build Phases > Link Binary With Files. Delete everything that you dont use.
Solved - Best Way
pod deintegrate
pod install
Open xcworkspace and clean it before running.
I got same error like duplication of "variable name". You need to check all variable and function name for all .m file and make sure it's not same in any other file.Then clean and build.
It's working for me.
the solution for me was open the .xcworkspace file insted of .xcodeproj located inside my '/platforms/ios' folder.
I had a similar problem and I just had to make sure to enable the "copy if necessary" checkbox when adding the framework into the project. Reference only didn't work for me...
I have no clue why the error occurred in my case, I was reusing some code from another project I created a while ago and after I adapted the code, then I always got the "Apple Mach -O Linker command failed"- Message. My best guess is, that it happened because I created/deleted some files from the project.
The thing that solved it for me was this:
- Create a new Project
- copy all the necessary files from the old project to the new one (Drag and Drop, don't forget the "Copy if needed" Checkbox)
- Build and see that it works
Sounds stupid and I have no idea why, but it worked.
I am using XCode for compiling ionic 3 app.
cli packages: (/usr/local/lib/node_modules)
@ionic/cli-utils : 1.10.1
ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.10.1
global packages:
Cordova CLI : 7.0.1
local packages:
@ionic/app-scripts : 2.1.4
Cordova Platforms : android 6.2.3 ios 4.5.0
Ionic Framework : ionic-angular 3.6.0
ios-sim : 5.0.8
Node : v8.4.0
npm : 5.4.0
OS : OS X Yosemite
Xcode : Xcode 7.2 Build version 7C68
There was not write permission in most of the file of ios, which was main issue.
I just changed the permission of ios file and got issue resolved by using command.
sudo chmod -R 775 platforms/ios/
Worked great.
I experienced the error when overwriting project.
Still encountered the error after:
Changing the clang settings
ionic cordova platform remove ios rather than just delete ios platform folder before each new build (and of course add the platform again)
updating ruby as per instructions:
Error was solved after changing to a different branch in github but perhaps one of the other troubleshooting methods played a part. Now all branches run on xcode without the Mach -O Linker Error.
I had faced the same issue. I declared two classes with same name. Therefore it was conflicting with the class name. It worked for me after updation of class name.
First thing you have to do is to delete the files in
and then restart your Xcode. That is no joke!
If you got an error like "duplicate symbol_OBJC_CLASS_$_Pod in:", you should go to TARGETS->Build Phases->Compile Sources and delete extra file.