Azure File Storage URL in browser showing InvalidHeaderValue

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-11-30 21:41:19


I am trying to access the URL given in Azure for a file on the Azure File Storage format, however I am getting this error below. Is it possible to get this? Why would they offer a public URL when it's useless? Also how can I access this directly from IIS?

The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format. RequestId:5d681103-0a1a-00cc-5555-5s4849000000 Time:2016-02-04T14:06:50.1786949Z


Gaurav already mentioned a similar question here where it says you should use a "Shared Access Signature". In your storage account settings in Azure you'll find a topic "Shared Acess Signature". After clicking "Generate SAS" you'll get a "SAS Token" which you need to append to your URL.


If you use Azure File service to share your files, you have to add SAS token after your resources URL. e.g.

Alternatively, you can do the exact same things by using Azure Blobs as well. If you use Blobs, you don't have to add the extra token after resources URL. Just create a container on Blobs and make it public. And you can access your file like


The error you received indicates that you are missing x-ms-version header. But once you set it, you will receive another error if you have not authenticated. You can refer to for list of required headers. Alternatively, you can use client library for the requests instead of REST API.

