How to capture Unicode from key events without an NSTextView

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-11-29 22:00:22


I'd like to capture key events from any window in the application and interpret them as Unicode. For example, if the user types Option-e-e (on a default-configured US English keyboard), I would like to recognize that as "é".

I tried capturing keypress events and calling -[NSEvent characters]. However, as it says in the documentation, "This method returns an empty string for dead keys, such as Option-e." If I type Option-e-e, then it gives me nothing for the Option-e and plain "e" for the second e.

Is there a way to combine a series of keycodes (from -[NSEvent keyCode]) into a Unicode character?

Or a way to receive an event for each Unicode character typed (like Java's key-typed event)?


Here's a way to take a series of key press events and get the Unicode character(s) they'd type.

Basically, call UCKeyTranslate() for each key press event received. Use its deadKeyState argument to capture a dead key and pass it along to the subsequent call.


  • Receive key press event for Option-e.
  • Call UCKeyTranslate() with the virtual key code (for e), the modifier key state (for Option), and a variable to store the dead key state.
    • UCKeyTranslate() outputs an empty string and updates the dead key state.
  • Receive key press event for e.
  • Call UCKeyTranlate() with the virtual key code (for e) and the variable that holds the dead key state.
    • UCKeyTranslate() outputs "é".

Sample code (the function to call for each key press event):

 * Returns the Unicode characters that would be typed by a key press.
 * @param event A key press event.
 * @param deadKeyState To capture multi-keystroke characters (e.g. Option-E-E for "é"), pass a reference to the same
 *      variable on consecutive calls to this function. Before the first call, you should initialize the variable to 0.
 * @return One or more Unicode characters.
CFStringRef getCharactersForKeyPress(NSEvent *event, UInt32 *deadKeyState)

    TISInputSourceRef currentKeyboard = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource();
    CFDataRef layoutData = TISGetInputSourceProperty(currentKeyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData);
    const UCKeyboardLayout *keyboardLayout = (const UCKeyboardLayout *)CFDataGetBytePtr(layoutData);

    CGEventFlags flags = [event modifierFlags];
    UInt32 modifierKeyState = (flags >> 16) & 0xFF;

    const size_t unicodeStringLength = 4;
    UniChar unicodeString[unicodeStringLength];
    UniCharCount realLength;

                   [event keyCode],
    return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, unicodeString, realLength);


subclass the view/window you want to capture the "é" event in and add this instance variable

BOOL optionE_Pressed;

then, override keyDown: with this

-(void) keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {

    NSString *chars = theEvent.charactersIgnoringModifiers;
    unichar aChar = [chars characterAtIndex: 0];

    if (aChar==101 && [theEvent modifierFlags]&NSAlternateKeyMask) {
    else if (aChar==101 && optionE_Pressed) {
        NSLog(@"spanish é pressed");
    else {

    [super keyDown:theEvent];

The Boolean variable "optionE_Pressed" is activated when the user holds down the option and e keys. If the next key that is pressed is e, meaning that they have effectively created a spanish é, then it will log "spanish é pressed." Otherwise, the Boolien is switched back to NO. The "super" call at the end allows the user to still be able to type all events as normal

