Alternatives to Ctags/Cscope with Objective-c?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-11-29 19:55:16
Vincent Guerci

a long time after this question, "playing" with vim, I wanted ObjC support, especially with taglist plugin. I found that question, then digged a bit, and here is a not so dirty solution:

  1. An ObjectiveC parser has been added to Exuberant CTags trunk, it is not released (yet?)
  2. You can easily install it on OSX via homebrew:

    $ brew install ctags --HEAD

  3. Note that when using ctags, .m is treated as Matlab and .h is treated as C++. To override, use:

    $ ctags --langmap=ObjectiveC:.m.h

  4. Then I added something like this to my .vimrc for taglist support:

    let tlist_objc_settings = 'ObjectiveC;P:protocols;i:interfaces;types(...)'

    add any type interests you from that list:

    ctags --list-kinds=all
        i  class interface
        I  class implementation
        p  Protocol
        m  Object's method
        c  Class' method
        v  Global variable
        F  Object field
        f  A function
        p  A property
        t  A type alias
        s  A type structure
        e  An enumeration
        M  A preprocessor macro

I hope that will help someone!

AFAIK, ctags support you to define some rules for a new language, I did that when I did some development using laszlo(similiar to flex). You can read the manpage of ctags to get more details, that is not hard to do.

I find there is a vim filetype plugin that support development under cocoa here, hope it is helpful for you.

There is an option to use ctags for objective-c. You can use etags in ctags mode. etags derived from ctags some time ago, and in its source code ctags compatible tags will be generated by defining a certain macro switch.

In fact the man page in Mac Os already documents etags and ctags in the same page. It states that objective-c is supported in ctags. You should be able to generate a tag file using the following command: ctags -l objc *.[mh]

Unfortunately the ctags program in Mac OS behaves not as documented since Apple messed it up. I however managed to install this kind of ctags using Ubuntu Linux and it works great!!! There you have to install the emacs22-bin-common package.

So under Mac OS all you have to do is to compile this package for yourself.

  • Download the corresponding source package e.g. from the Debian server (link).
  • exctract it and change to the source directory
  • run ./configure
  • configure returns with an error because it cannot find lispref
  • I deleted all targets in varible config_files in the created file config.status despite the ones with lib-src
  • run ./config.status
  • cd lib-src
  • make
  • Copy ctags e.g. to /usr/local/bin and change permissions
    • sudo cp ctags /usr/local/bin
    • chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/ctags

You are done. Happy tagging!!!

You can also try objcscope which is written by me.


Apropos the other answer: you can install EMACS with MacPorts fairly easily and it will include a version of etags at /opt/local/bin that has Objective-C support compiled in.

% sudo port install emacs
% find . -name ‘*.[hm]’ -print0 | xargs −0 /opt/local/bin/etags

And then inside vim:

:setlocal tags=TAGS

This works well for me with MacVim.

You can try Fishman fork of Exuberant Ctags which has Objective C and CSS support.

I found it difficult getting ctags to generate tags for tagbar. It was easier to use a vim plugin for the Objective-C editor. XVim works with XCode. If you use Appcode like me, IdeaVim is well integrated.

Though you won't get to full Vi/Vim functionality with the plugin. I find mix usage with native IDE commands is enough to compensate.


If I am not wrong :

Latest ctags by now parsing the @property keyword incorrectly, which could cause that all the words after @property in the source code are parsed to be properties, leading to a mess in file tags.

I have to recompile ctags ( by commenting all of the property keyword processing in ObjC.c as a workaround. Even though, it only helps to get a little better for reading source code in the Taglist.

It still can't jump (e.g. to the implementation methods with parameters) correctly.

I also tried this(, but unfortunately this can't jump at all.

Summary : there seems no ctags for ObjC as workable as for C/C++.

Universal-ctags( can capture properties of Objective-C.

[jet@localhost objectivec_property.h.d]$ cat input.h 

@interface Person : NSObject {
        NSString *m_name;
        int m_age;

@property(copy) NSString *personName;
@property(readonly) int personAge;

[jet@localhost objectivec_property.h.d]$ ../../../ctags -x -o - input.h 
Person           interface     2 input.h          @interface Person : NSObject {
initWithAge:     method       12 input.h          -(id)initWithAge:(int)age;
m_age            field         6 input.h          int m_age;
m_name           field         4 input.h          NSString *m_name;
personAge        property     10 input.h          @property(readonly) int personAge;
personName       property      9 input.h          @property(copy) NSString *personName;