Can Windows Presentation Foundation read/write WMF/EMF files without having to use WinForms Interop or Win32.
If it does not, what is the reason?
A quick search on MSDN reveals a thread containing a post by Peggi Goodwin, a PM at Microsoft:
WPF does not support the EMF and WMF image formats. These formats are more susceptible to security vulnerabilities than other image formats, so we do not intend to support them.
I did it !!!
I'm using ComponentOne's WPF chart in my real code but to keep the example simple I just did a button. But it DOES work on Complex wpf widgets. Fonts, Transparency, AntiAlias etc. everything works. And I can paste into Word and change labels on charts etc.
Basically I decimate the XAML to XPS then import it back into XAML.
Then I used an open source project that converts XAML to WMF called XAMLToys.
XAMLToys would fail 99% of the time because you cannot serial complex XAML objects
Big kudos to these two projects