Qimage to cv::Mat convertion strange behaviour

99封情书 提交于 2019-11-29 11:19:13

Just find out the "correct" solution of copying(not reference) the QImage to cv::Mat

The answer of Martin Beckett is almost correct

for (int i=0;i<image.height();i++) {

I don't see the full codes, but I guess you may want to use it like this way

cv::Mat mat(image.height(), image.width(), CV_8UC3);
for (int i=0;i<image.height();i++) {

But this code exist a problem, the memory allocated by cv::Mat may not have the same "bytesperline" as the QImage

The solution I found is take the reference of the QImage first, then clone it

return cv::Mat(img.height(), img.width(), format, img.bits(), img.bytesPerLine()).clone();    

The solution of Martin Beckett suggested could generate correct result in most of the times, I didn't notice there are a bug until I hit it.

Whatever, I hope this is a "correct" solution. If you find any bug(s), please let everyone know so we could have a change to improve the codes.

I think you might find this useful. http://www.jdxyw.com/?p=1480

It uses IplImage to get data, but you can use cv::Mat and Mat.data to get a pointer to the original matrix. I hope you might find this useful.

Martin Beckett

opencv images are stepped so that each row begins on a multiple of 32bits, this makes memory access faster. If you are using a 3byte/pixel format then unless you have a width that is 1/3 of a multiple of 4 you will have 'spare' memory at the end of each line

The safe way is to copy the image data a row at a time. The opencv mat.ptr(row) returns a pointer to the start of each row and the QImage .scanline(row) member does the same

See How to output this 24 bit image in Qt

edit: Something like

for (int i=0;i<image.height();i++) {

From this source code

QImage MatToQImage(const Mat& mat)
    // 8-bits unsigned, NO. OF CHANNELS=1
        // Set the color table (used to translate colour indexes to qRgb values)
        QVector<QRgb> colorTable;
        for (int i=0; i<256; i++)
        // Copy input Mat
        const uchar *qImageBuffer = (const uchar*)mat.data;
        // Create QImage with same dimensions as input Mat
        QImage img(qImageBuffer, mat.cols, mat.rows, mat.step, QImage::Format_Indexed8);
        return img;
    // 8-bits unsigned, NO. OF CHANNELS=3
        // Copy input Mat
        const uchar *qImageBuffer = (const uchar*)mat.data;
        // Create QImage with same dimensions as input Mat
        QImage img(qImageBuffer, mat.cols, mat.rows, mat.step, QImage::Format_RGB888);
        return img.rgbSwapped();
        qDebug() << "ERROR: Mat could not be converted to QImage.";
        return QImage();
} // MatToQImage()

This is what i got from here thanks to jose. It helps me to get over this.

To visualize OpenCV image (cv::Mat) in Qt (QImage), you must follow these steps:

  1. Invert color sequence: cv::cvtColor(imageBGR, imageRGB, CV_BGR2RGB);
  2. Change format OpenCV to Qt: QImage qImage((uchar*) imageRGB.data, imageRGB.cols, imageRGB.rows, imageRGB.step, QImage::Format_RGB888);
  3. Use QPainter to render the image.

Please note the use of QImage::Format. Read the Qt on this issue.

Issam EL Fahem

if you're still looking for the solution. here's one :

Cv::Mat to QImage :

QImage Mat2QImage(cv::Mat &image )
    QImage qtImg;
    if( !image.empty() && image.depth() == CV_8U ){
        if(image.channels() == 1){
            qtImg = QImage( (const unsigned char *)(image.data),
                            QImage::Format_Indexed8 );
            cvtColor( image, image, CV_BGR2RGB );
            qtImg = QImage( (const unsigned char *)(image.data),
                            QImage::Format_RGB888 );
    return qtImg; 

For QImage to cv::Mat .

cv::Mat QImage2Mat(QImage &image) {

cv::Mat cvImage;
  switch (image.format()){
  case QImage::Format_RGB888:{
      cvImage = cv::Mat(image.height(),
      cv::cvtColor(cvImage, cvImage, CV_RGB2BGR);
      return cvImage;
  case QImage::Format_Indexed8:{
      cvImage = cv::Mat(image.height(),
      return cvImage;
  return cvImage;