ANSI C equivalent of try/catch?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-11-28 20:22:35

Generally, you don't.

It's possible to use setjmp and longjmp to build something fairly similar to try/catch, although there's no such thing in C as destructors or stack unwinding, so RAII is out of the question. You could even approximate RAII with a so-called "cleanup stack" (see for example Symbian/C++), although it's not a very close approximation, and it's a lot of work.

The usual way to indicate errors or failure in C is to return a value indicating success status. Callers examine the return value and act accordingly. See for example the standard C functions: printf, read, open, for ideas how to specify your functions.

When mixing C and C++ code, you must ensure that a C++ exception never reaches C code. When writing C++ functions that will be called from C, catch everything.

C does not support exception handling.

There is info on one approach to this problem here. This shows the simple setjmp/longjmp approach but also provides a more sophisticated alternative, covered in depth.

There is the classic unwinding gotos pattern:

FILE *if = fopen(...);
FILE *of = NULL;
if (if == NULL) return; 

of = fopen(...);
if (of == NULL) goto close_if;

/* ...code... */
if (something_is_wrong) goto close_of;

/* ... other code... */


return state;

Alternately you can fake it in a limited way by isolating the "try" code in another function

int try_code(type *var_we_must_write, othertype var_we_only_read /*, ... */){
  /* ...code... */
  if (!some_condition) return 1;
  /* ...code... */
  if (!another_condition) return 2;
  /* ...code... */
  if (last_way_to_fail) return 4;
  return 0;

void calling_routine(){
  /* ... */
  if (try_code(&x,y/*, other state */) ) {
     /* do your finally here */
 /* ... */

but neither approach is fully equivalent. You have to manage all the resources yourself, you don't get automatic rollback until a handler is found, and so on...

One useful coding style I like to use is the following. I don't know if it has a particular name but I came across it when I was reverse engineering some assembly code into the equivalent C code. You do lose an indentation level but it's not such a big deal to me. Watch out for reviewer who will point out the infinite loop! :)

int SomeFunction() {
    int err = SUCCESS;

    do {
        err = DoSomethingThatMayFail();
        if (err != SUCCESS) {
            printf("DoSomethingThatMayFail() failed with %d", err);

        err = DoSomethingElse();
        if (err != SUCCESS) {
            printf("DoSomethingElse() failed with %d", err);

        // ... call as many functions as needed.

        // If execution gets there everything succeeded!
        return SUCCESS;
    while (false);

    // Something went wrong!
    // Close handles or free memory that may have been allocated successfully.

    return err;

This is my implementation of an exception handling system in C: exceptions4c.

It's powered by macros, built on top of setjmp and longjmp and it is 100% portable ANSI C.

There you can also find a list of all the different implementations I know of.

You can find a possible implementation with longjmp in this book : C Interfaces and Implementations: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software - David Hanson

And you can find the code here and here as an example of the style used in the book.

If you want to do a multiple level jump, look up setjmp() and longjmp(). They can be used as a primitive exception throw. The setjmp() function sets up a return-to place, and returns a status value. The longjmp() function goes to the return-to place, and provides the status value. You can create a catch function by having be called after setjmp() depending on the status value.

Do not, for whatever reason, use them in C++. They do not do stack unwinding or call destructors.

Since C++ was originally implemented as a C pre-processor and it had Try / Catch you could redo Bjarne Stroustrup's work and write a pre-processor to do it.
