Android Pay - Testing from outside US

一世执手 提交于 2019-11-28 19:53:13

Follow these steps to convert Android pay into testable environment

  1. Install Android Pay apk from apkmirror website. Make sure you use correct apk variant.


  1. You can use TunnelBear(Change VPN) App to download Android Pay App in India

  2. Turn on Sandbox Mode by executing following commands from command prompt:

    adb shell
    cd /sdcard/Download;
    rm ­-f android_pay_env_override_*;
    touch android_pay_env_override_sandbox;
  3. Restart the phone

    • Launch the Android Pay app and add following test credit card details:

    • Card Number: 4622 9431 2999 9943 Expiry: 12/17 CVV: 125

    • Enter other details like address and proceed.

    • Card is added successfully.

  1. Use ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX to integrate and test Android Pay in your app.

  2. Revert from Sandbox to Production by executing following commands from command prompt:

    adb shell
    cd /sdcard/Download;
    rm -­f android_pay_env_override_*;
  3. Restart phone

  4. Use ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION or ENVIRONMENT_TEST to integrate and test Android Pay in your app

I had similar issues to what you describe, but I managed to get it working from Canada. One of the changes I had to make was to use WalletConstants.ENVIRONMENT_TEST instead of the deprecated WalletConstants.ENVIRONMENT_STAGING (the latter was mentioned in almost all tutorials and examples). I also had misconfigured the PaymentMethodTokenizationParameters on the MaskedWalletRequest.

If you are still having issues with your implementation please post the code and I can take a look.
