Invalid gemspec -Illformed requirement [“#<YAML::Syck::DefaultKey:0xb5f9c990> 3.2.0”]

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-11-28 09:43:35

This can happen when upgrading to Rails 3.2.

Updating Rubygems should fix this issue.

gem update --system

Hope this helps.

Rainer Blessing

I still had the errors after updating the rubygem.

Then I ran rvm gemset empty to delete the gems. This fixed it for me.


I had this issue, but all the methods above did not help.

So, I decided to move all the *3.2.0.spec within directory


into another directory, and things are solved.


sudo mv /usr/local/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/specifications/actionmailer-3.2.0.gemspec <another_dir>

Perform similar commands to other files:

  • actionpack-3.2.0.gemspec
  • activemodel-3.2.0.gemspec
  • activerecord-3.2.0.gemspec
  • activeresource-3.2.0.gemspec
  • activesupport-3.2.0.gemspec
  • newrelic_rpm-3.2.0.gemspec
  • rails-3.2.0.gemspec
  • railties-3.2.0.gemspec