<!-- xmlns:webview="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.UI.Controls;assembly=Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.UI.Controls.WebView" -->
<webview:WebView ... />
<Grid x:Name="Overlay"
HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"/>
I am trying to overlay a WebView
with another control (Overlay
). But it seems that the WebView
is always on top of other controls.
Is there a way to place controls on top of a Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.UI.Controls.WebView
The Webview control is a wrapped UWP control which in turn wraps a win32 component I believe.
Due to airspace problems this control will not support transparency and will always be rendered on top. See here for a better description: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/technology-regions-overview
Although it is possible to run it in a popup as a workaround, it might not be very futureproof: "WebView controls can be hosted in a popup window. We recommend that you do not do this because support for that scenario will soon be disabled for security reasons." See here for more
CefSharp might be a better solution. It it based on Chromium and there is a Nuget package available. In the example below a red grid is rendered over the browser:
<cefSharp:ChromiumWebBrowser Address="https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp/wiki/Frequently-asked-questions" />
<Grid x:Name="Overlay"
HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"/>