Replacing C# method of declaring type which implements an interface and inherits from base

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2021-02-08 08:38:36


I'm trying to swap out the contents of a method at runtime for the purposes of unit testing legacy code. I've been working with these SO answers;

  1. Dynamically replace the contents of a C# method?
  2. How to replace the pointer to the overridden (virtual) method in the pointer of my method? (Release x64 and x86)

Here's a full code sample of what I have so far.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

namespace Foo.Bar {

    public interface IFoo {
        string Apple();

    public class Bar {

        protected virtual object One() {
            return null;

        protected virtual object Two() {
            return null;

        protected virtual object Three() {
            return null;

        /* Uncomment this to generate a null reference */
        //protected virtual object Four() {
        //    return null;


    public class Foo : Bar, IFoo {

        public string Apple() {
            return "Apple";

        public string Orange() {
            return "Orange";

        /* Uncommenting this fixes the null reference */
        //public override int GetHashCode() {
        //    throw new NotImplementedException();

        public void ReplaceMethod(Delegate targetMethod, Delegate replacementMethod) {

            MethodInfo methodToReplace = targetMethod.Method;
            MethodInfo methodToInject = replacementMethod.Method;


            if (methodToReplace.IsVirtual)
                ReplaceVirtualInner(methodToReplace, methodToInject);
                ReplaceStandard(methodToReplace, methodToInject);


        private void ReplaceStandard(MethodInfo methodToReplace, MethodInfo methodToInject) {

            IntPtr targetPtr = methodToInject.MethodHandle.Value;
            IntPtr replacePtr = methodToReplace.MethodHandle.Value;

                if (IntPtr.Size == 4) {

                    int* inj = (int*)replacePtr.ToPointer() + 2;
                    int* tar = (int*)targetPtr.ToPointer() + 2;

                    if (Debugger.IsAttached) {

                        byte* injInst = (byte*)*inj;
                        byte* tarInst = (byte*)*tar;

                        int* injSrc = (int*)(injInst + 1);
                        int* tarSrc = (int*)(tarInst + 1);

                        *tarSrc = (((int)injInst + 5) + *injSrc) - ((int)tarInst + 5);
                    else {
                        *tar = *inj;
                else {

                    long* inj = (long*)replacePtr.ToPointer() + 1;
                    long* tar = (long*)targetPtr.ToPointer() + 1;

                    if (Debugger.IsAttached) {

                        byte* injInst = (byte*)*inj;
                        byte* tarInst = (byte*)*tar;

                        long* injSrc = (long*)(injInst + 1);
                        long* tarSrc = (long*)(tarInst + 1);

                        *tarSrc = (((long)injInst + 5) + *injSrc) - ((long)tarInst + 5);
                    else {
                        *tar = *inj;


        private void ReplaceVirtualInner(MethodInfo methodToReplace, MethodInfo methodToInject) {

                UInt64* methodDesc = (UInt64*)(methodToReplace.MethodHandle.Value.ToPointer());
                int index = (int)(((*methodDesc) >> 32) & 0xFF);

                if (IntPtr.Size == 4) {
                    uint* classStart = (uint*)methodToReplace.DeclaringType.TypeHandle.Value.ToPointer();
                    classStart += 10;
                    classStart = (uint*)*classStart;

                    uint* tar = classStart + index;
                    uint* inj = (uint*)methodToInject.MethodHandle.Value.ToPointer() + 2;

                    if (Debugger.IsAttached) {

                        byte* injInst = (byte*)*inj;
                        byte* tarInst = (byte*)*tar;

                        uint* injSrc = (uint*)(injInst + 1);
                        uint* tarSrc = (uint*)(tarInst + 1);

                        *tarSrc = (((uint)injInst + 5) + *injSrc) - ((uint)tarInst + 5);
                    else {
                        *tar = *inj;

                else {

                    ulong* classStart = (ulong*)methodToReplace.DeclaringType.TypeHandle.Value.ToPointer();
                    classStart += 8;
                    classStart = (ulong*)*classStart;

                    ulong* tar = classStart + index;
                    ulong* inj = (ulong*)methodToInject.MethodHandle.Value.ToPointer() + 1;

                    if (Debugger.IsAttached) {

                        byte* injInst = (byte*)*inj;
                        byte* tarInst = (byte*)*tar;

                        ulong* injSrc = (ulong*)(injInst + 1);
                        ulong* tarSrc = (ulong*)(tarInst + 1);

                        *tarSrc = (((ulong)injInst + 5) + *injSrc) - ((ulong)tarInst + 5);
                    else {
                        *tar = *inj;






    Foo.Bar.Foo foo = new Foo.Bar.Foo();


    var result = foo.Apple(); // this is "Orange" :)

I have a broad understanding of the code above, essentially it's locating the address of the target method and changing the value so that it points to a different memory location. There's also some extra voodoo to accommodate for memory buffers added by the debugger.

Virtual methods are handled differently which I don't fully understand, especially;

uint* classStart = (uint*)methodToReplace.DeclaringType.TypeHandle.Value.ToPointer();
classStart += 10; /* why 10?? */
classStart = (uint*)*classStart;

The code works, however, here's where things get weird; if the base class (of the declaring type of the target method) has more than 3 virtual methods, implements an interface and does not override any methods then a NullReferenceException is thrown.

Please, can someone explain what's going on and help me gain a deeper understanding of the code?


What you are asking is actually a feature in typemock a unit testing framework that allows you to change the implementation of a mocked method to another one in a simple line of code, for example:

public void TestMethod1()
    var real = new Foo();

    Isolate.WhenCalled(() => real.Apple()).DoInstead(x => { return real.Orange(); });

    Assert.AreEqual("Orange", real.Apple());

you can learn more about this feature here.

