Migrating from AppEngine low level Datastore API to objectify 5: reading Entity gets an error.
What i see using the Datastore Entity Tool is because the old data keeps "Ifont" as "Blob" instead and should become an "Embedded class"
@Entity(name = "Mandant")
public class Mandant implements IsSerializable {
private Long id;
private String nr = "";
private Ifont fontHeader;
How do we read this Blob data?
How did you save the data into a Blob field in the first place? A Blob is just a byte array; it could be anything. If you wrote the Ifont out using Java serialization (seems likely from your example), this is easy - just declare that field like this:
private @Serialize Ifont fontHeader;
That will preserve the Blob structure. However, if you actually want it stored as EmbeddedEntity, you'll need to migrate the data. There are some strategies suggested here: