Git: revert on older commit

无人久伴 提交于 2021-01-28 23:23:40


I did some changes on my git repo and did some commits. Here is what I want to do, say my git history looks as HEAD --> c1 --> c2 --> c3 --> c4. Questions 1) Now if I revert c1, does it revert all c2, c3, c4 as well ? My understanding it reverts only c1 and leave c2, c3, c4 as is. 2) Now I want to revert all c1, c2, c3 and c4 and move back to HEAD. What is the best way to do this.


Revert will create a commit that will undo the changes of the revision you want to revert.

So if you do:

git revert c1

You will end with:

revertC1 -> (previous HEAD) -> c1 -> c2 -> c3 -> c4 ...

And It will only revert that commit changes.

So, for your scenario where you want to remove four commits previos to the HEAD:

HEAD -> c1 -> c2 -> c3 -> c4

which is the same as:

HEAD -> HEAD~1 -> HEAD~2 -> HEAD~3 -> HEAD~4

If you want to remove the four commits before the current one. you can do

git revert HEAD~5..HEAD~1

You will be prompted to create the commit messages for each revert, and perhaps to solve conflicts.

In case you HAVE NOT PUSHED your changes, what I would do to keep the history log clean would be:

Undo the current commit and keep the code changes

git reset --soft HEAD~1

Store the code changes

git stash

Undo the last four commits and erase code changes

git reset --hard HEAD~4

Make sure I delete any created files and directories

git clean -di

Re apply the changes from the top commit which is the one I wanted to keep

git stash pop

*Fix conflicts in case there will be When there are no conflicts. Commit my changes

git commit -am "My new changes"

If ready to push, push.

git push

This, only if you HAVEN'T PUSHED your changes.


If you revert c1 it back source to c1 state, but it will create new commit(c5) with all changes from c4 to c1.

[HEAD]--> c1 --> c2 --> c3 --> c4 --> c5 (c1 state)

