Use a map of lists of maps in resource creation

眉间皱痕 提交于 2021-01-28 05:05:13


I want to be able to create multiple R53 records, using the following format defined in TF Vars:

custom_zone_records = {
  "" = [
    {"*.b" = {type: "CNAME", records: [""]}},
    {"*.c" = {type: "CNAME", records: [""]}}

Using the record as an example, it should create the R53 record of:

Name: *
Records: [""]

The input variable is defined as:

variable "custom_zone_records" {
  description = "A map of maps for custom zone records"
  type = map(list(map(object({
    type = string
    records: list(string)

I've tried mutating the array within the resource creation using a for_each and I've tried formatting using a locals file, with no success.

Is there a better way to format or handle this, other than having the array more explicit?



If I were to not use the variable, I would have to write the following code (as an example of what I am trying to achieve)

resource "aws_route53_record" "demo_a" {
  zone_id = "ZONE_ID"
  name    = "*"
  type    = "CNAME"
  records = [""]
  ttl     = 60

resource "aws_route53_record" "demo_a" {
  zone_id = "ZONE_ID"
  name    = "*"
  type    = "CNAME"
  records = [""]
  ttl     = 60


One way to do this (assuming I correctly understand the issue), would be to create an a helper local variable which would "unwind" the custom_zone_records into more for_each-friendly list.

In the following example, it is called helper_list:

locals {
  custom_zone_records = {
    "" = [
      {"*.b" = {type: "CNAME", records: [""]}},
      {"*.c" = {type: "CNAME", records: [""]}}
    "" = [
      {"*.b1" = {type: "CNAME", records: [""]}},
      {"*.c1" = {type: "CNAME", records: [""]}}
  helper_list = flatten([for k, v in local.custom_zone_records: 
            [for v1 in v: 
              merge({name = join("", [keys(v1)[0], ".", k])}, values(v1)[0])

The helper_list would have the form:

helper_list = [                     
    "name" = "*"
    "records" = [   
    "type" = "CNAME"         
    "name" = "*"
    "records" = [   
    "type" = "CNAME"
    "name" = "*"
    "records" = [
    "type" = "CNAME"
    "name" = "*"
    "records" = [
    "type" = "CNAME"

This way, the for_each usage would be simpler, and could be (I haven't verified the following, so treat it as a pseudo-code):

resource "aws_route53_record" "demo" {

  for_each = toset(local.helper_list)

  zone_id = "ZONE_ID"

  name    =
  type    = each.value.type
  records = each.value.records

  ttl     = 60

