I'm using Spring Data Mongodb and documents like this :
"_id" : ObjectId("565c5ed433a140520cdedd7f"),
"attributes" : {
"565c5ed433a140520cdedd73" : "333563851"
"listId" : ObjectId("565c57aaf316d71fd4e4d0a0"),
"international" : false,
"countryCode" : 33,
"deleted" : false
I would like to query my collection to search a value in the attributes object (in the values and not the keys).
For example like this :
@Query("{'listId': ?0, $or: [{'attributes.*':{$regex: ?1}}], 'deleted':false}")
Page<PTContact> findByListIdAndByAttributesContaining(ObjectId listId, String val, Pageable pageable);
But I'm not sure to be able to do that. Any idea to help me ?
Best regards
edit: my solution
Well, what I've done is simple. I know every id (key in attributes fields) for that listId so I create a custom mongo opération
Criteria[] fieldsCriteria = new Criteria[fields.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
fieldsCriteria[i] = Criteria.where("attributes." + fields.get(i).getId()).regex(val, "i");
Query query = Query.query(Criteria.where("listId").is(listId).orOperator(fieldsCriteria));
return new PageImpl<>(operations.find(query.with(pageable), PTContact.class), pageable, operations.count(query, PTContact.class));
With some pagination.. And it works
I think that you have to change the structure of attributes
attributes : [{
key : "565c5ed433a140520cdedd73",
value: "333563851"
}, {
key : "...",
value: "..."
Then change you request like this :
{'attributes.value': ?1}