I have an old python project that I am trying to progressively clean up using flake8 (to warn about PEP8 issues). I use Travis for continuous integration and want my build to fail if any unit test fails. However, I do not want my build to fail simply because flake8 produced a warning (e.g., about something minor like trailing white space).
How do I configure Travis to output flake8 warnings (so that I can resolve them as I have time) without causing them to fail the build?
My .travis.yml is below:
language: python
- "3.6"
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pip install flake8
- python -m unittest discover -v
- flake8 .
Example flake8 warnings:
./meta-db/file_system.py:103:80: E501 line too long (108 > 79 characters)
./meta-db/file_system.py:106:68: W291 trailing whitespace
Adding --exit-zero flag to flake8 allows lint warnings/errors to be displayed without failing the Travis build.
- python -m unittest discover -v
- flake8 . --exit-zero # Exit with status code "0" even if there are errors.
You could have flake8 only check the most recent commit(s) such that you're validating the recent changes are compliant instead of the whole project. Once you're confident, e.g.,
- python -m unittest discover -v
- git diff -U0 $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | flake8 --diff
- flake8 . --exit-zero
Once that last command stops printing errors, you can trim the --exit-zero