Five out of ten times Pytube will send me this error when attempting to run my small testing script.
Here's the script:
import pytube
import urllib.request
from pytube import YouTube
yt = YouTube('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NCyD3XoJgM')
print('Youtube video title is: ' + yt.title + '! Downloading now!')
Here's what I get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "youtube.py", line 6, in <module>
yt = YouTube('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NCyD3XoJgM')
File "C:\Users\test\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python38\site-packages\pytube\__main__.py", line 91, in __init__
File "C:\Users\test\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python38\site-packages\pytube\__main__.py", line 183, in prefetch
self.js_url = extract.js_url(self.watch_html)
File "C:\Users\test\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python38\site-packages\pytube\extract.py", line 143, in js_url
base_js = get_ytplayer_config(html)["assets"]["js"]
KeyError: 'assets'
I am very confused. I attempted to reinstall Python plus pytube but I can't seem to remedy this issue. It's increasingly perplexing that the script works half of the time, but not the other half.
For now fixed 100% with this:
With anyone else getting this error or issue, run this command in a terminal or cmd:
python -m pip install git+https://github.com/nficano/pytube
An update to pytubeX that hasn't been released with the pip installation yet. The GitHub link is the current dev explaining the situation.
I'm in the same trouble, but I guarantee that the top answer doesn't solve anything, just hide the problem until it pops up again. I investigated this scope of "extract.py" file, and found an error. This scope searches for a "string" snippet in the source code of the Youtube page where the video is, through a dictionary search, such as:
#Example ---------------
Vars = {
result: 'luis'
#Extract.py Code -------
def js_url(html: str) -> str:
"""Get the base JavaScript url.
Construct the base JavaScript url, which contains
the decipher
:param str html:
The html contents of the watch page.
base_js = get_ytplayer_config(html)["assets"]["js"]
return "https://youtube.com" + base_js
The error:
base_js = get_ytplayer_config(html)["assets"]["js"]
KeyError: 'assets'
It is given because this snippet of the source code does not support a search as dicionario, so 'KeyError' key error, because 'assets' is not a valid key, and the source code is not a dictionary. So I did this script, which I believe replace this original, but in mine, particularly, appeared other errors.
def js_url(html: str) -> str:
"""Get the base JavaScript url.
Construct the base JavaScript url, which contains
the decipher
:param str html:
The html contents of the watch page.
base_js = html[html.find('js') + 4:html.find('.js')
+ 4]
return "https://youtube.com" + base_js
The above script searches for what the function wants as a string, not as dictionary.
I hope I have contributed to a more complete future solution :)
Add this function to extract.py
def get_ytplayer_js(html: str) -> Any:
"""Get the YouTube player base JavaScript path.
:param str html
The html contents of the watch page.
:rtype: str
Path to YouTube's base.js file.
js_url_patterns = [
for pattern in js_url_patterns:
regex = re.compile(pattern)
function_match = regex.search(html)
if function_match:
logger.debug("finished regex search, matched: %s", pattern)
yt_player_js = function_match.group(1)
return yt_player_js
raise RegexMatchError(
caller="get_ytplayer_js", pattern="js_url_patterns"
and change the function "js_url" in extract.py from:
def js_url(html: str) -> str:
"""Get the base JavaScript url.
Construct the base JavaScript url, which contains the decipher
:param str html:
The html contents of the watch page.
base_js = get_ytplayer_config(html)["assets"]["js"]
return "https://youtube.com" + base_js
def js_url(html: str) -> str:
"""Get the base JavaScript url.
Construct the base JavaScript url, which contains the decipher
:param str html:
The html contents of the watch page.
base_js = get_ytplayer_js(html)
return "https://youtube.com" + base_js
It seems Pytube module is updated.
It works fine for pytube package
i.e try pip install pytube
uninstall pytube variations
I had the same problem and updating pytube
to the latest version available currently the problem disappeared.
pip install pytube==10.0.0
pip install --upgrade pytube
If you are using the package pytube
or pytube3
, I would recommend uninstalling that and installing pytubeX
. No need to change imports. I have found it works much more reliably.
Edit: From the comments, if none of these work, try pytube4
Edit: pytube
is now being maintained again!
It's an issue with the pytube library files. You can fix this by manually modifying the "extract.py" file inside the pytube folder. Copy and paste this inside the file instead: https://github.com/nficano/pytube/blob/master/pytube/extract.py
The extract.py codebase is now updated if you're still getting the error after running this command in a terminal or cmd: python -m pip install git+https://github.com/nficano/pytube is because it didn't updated your pytube/extract.py file.
The fix is Copy all the code from codebase and replace in your extract.py file. I hope this will work.
In order to avoid this pytube problem, you can use youtube_dl instead. Here's a code which were tested on Windows and on an Android tablet (with the Pydroid3 app). The purpose is to download the audio track of videos referred to in a public playlist.
import os, re
import youtube_dl
from pytube import Playlist
if os.name == 'posix':
targetAudioDir = '/storage/emulated/0/Download/Audiobooks/test_youtube_dl'
ydl_opts = {
'outtmpl': targetAudioDir + '/%(title)s.mp3',
'format': 'bestaudio/best',
'quiet': False
targetAudioDir = 'D:\\Users\\Jean-Pierre\\Downloads\\Audiobooks\\test_youtube_dl'
ydl_opts = {
'outtmpl': targetAudioDir + '\\%(title)s.%(ext)s',
'format': 'bestaudio/best',
'postprocessors': [{
'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
'preferredcodec': 'mp3',
'preferredquality': '128',
'quiet': False
playlistUrl = 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzwWSJNcZTMSFWGrRGKOypqN29MlyuQvn'
playlistObject = Playlist(playlistUrl)
playlistObject._video_regex = re.compile(r"\"url\":\"(/watch\?v=[\w-]*)")
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
for videoUrl in playlistObject.video_urls:
meta = ydl.extract_info(videoUrl, download=False)
videoTitle = meta['title']
print('Video title: ' + videoTitle)
Here's a permanent fix to that! You can try tube_dl.
pip install tube_dl
from tube_dl import Youtube
yt = Youtube('url')
It uses modular approach and is up to date
More about this can be found at : https://github.com/shekharchander/tube_dl/
Try to replace the line 143
base_js = get_ytplayer_config(html)["assets"]["js"]
base_js = get_ytplayer_config(html)["assets"]["js"]
except Exception: