I am making a small game in the console that takes place over several days. The game starts by initializing the miners ore and money amounts as 0. When he mines, my function chooses a random integer between 20 and 71 that will then award him that amount in 'ore'. I am trying to assign the ore that has been mined to my player's ore amount. I am having a reoccurring error that states that += is an unsupported operand for method and int. Full code and trace is below.
import pyautogui as pag
import time
import sys
import random
class Miner:
def __init__(self, oreDeposit, moneyDeposit):
self.oreAmount = oreDeposit
self.moneyAmount = moneyDeposit
def oreDeposit(self, oreAmount):
self.oreDeposit += oreAmount
def oreWithdraw(self, oreAmount):
self.oreWithdraw -= oreAmount
# -------------end of ore
def moneyDeposit(self, moneyAmount):
self.moneyDeposit += moneyAmount
def moneyWithdraw(self, moneyAmount):
self.moneyWithdraw -= moneyAmount
# -------------end of money
def oreBalance(self):
return self.oreAmount
def moneyBalance(self):
return self.moneyAmount
# -------------end of balances
def miningAction():
x = random.randint(20, 71)
for i in range(x):
oreRecovered = i
player = Miner(0, 0)
print (player.oreAmount)
Full traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/####/PycharmProjects/BoardGame/mine.py", line 41, in <module>
File "C:/Users/####/PycharmProjects/BoardGame/mine.py", line 38, in miningAction
File "C:/Users/####/PycharmProjects/BoardGame/mine.py", line 12, in oreDeposit
self.oreDeposit += oreAmount
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'method' and 'int'
Process finished with exit code 1
is a reference to the moneyDeposit
method and it cannot be incremented by a number (and even if it could, it wouldn't do what you want it to do).
You should change
def moneyDeposit(self, moneyAmount):
self.moneyDeposit += moneyAmount
def moneyWithdraw(self, moneyAmount):
self.moneyWithdraw -= moneyAmount
def moneyDeposit(self, moneyAmount):
self.moneyAmount += moneyAmount
def moneyWithdraw(self, moneyAmount):
self.moneyAmount -= moneyAmount
and similarly for the other methods.