How to remove sensitive data from a file in github history

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-07-25 06:20:19


I am using a shared github repository to collaborate on a project. Because i am an idiot, I committed and pushed a script file containing a password which I don't want to share (Yes, i can change the password, but I would like to remove it anyway!).

Is there any way to revert the commits from github's history, remove the password locally and then recommit and push the updated files? I do not want to remove the file completely, and I would rather not lose the commit history on github.

(This question How can I completely remove a file from a git repository? shows how to remove a sensitive file, but not how to edit sensitive data from a file, so this is not a duplicate)


I would recommend to use the new git filter-repo, which replaces BFG and git filter-branch.

Note: if you get the following error message when running the above-mentioned commands:

Error: need a version of `git` whose `diff-tree` command has the `--combined-all-paths` option`

it means you have to update git.

First: do that one copy of your local repo (a new clone)

See "Content base filtering":

At the end, you can (if you are the only one working on that repository) do a git push --force

If you want to modify file contents, you can do so based on a list of expressions in a file, one per line.
For example, with a file named expressions.txt containing:


then running

git filter-repo --replace-text expressions.txt

will go through and replace:

  • p455w0rd with ***REMOVED***,
  • foo with bar,
  • any line containing 666 with a blank line,
  • the word driver with pilot (but not if it has letters before or after; e.g. drivers will be unmodified),
  • the exact text MM/DD/YYYY with YYYY-MM-DD and
  • date strings of the form MM/DD/YYYY with ones of the form YYYY-MM-DD.


Use BFG :

To remove files:

$ bfg --delete-files <file to remove>  my-repo.git

You can also use this tool to remove passwords and ant sensitive data as well.

Prepare a replacement file with the content you wish to replace and use BFG to clean it out.

bfg --replace-text passwords.txt  my-repo.git

# Example of the passwords.txt file: 
string1                   # Replace string ***REMOVED***' (default text)
string2==>replacementText # replace with 'replacementText' instead
string3=>                 # replace with the empty string

