How to revert multiple merges in Git [duplicate]

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-07-08 22:49:27


I need to revert a branch to a previous point. As you can see in the following picture the branch has multiple commits and merges done. I need to revert this to the "fixing" commit.

So i tried:

git revert --no-commit fixingHashCode..HEAD

but the it throws an error:

error: commit fixingHashCode is a merge but no -m option was given. fatal: revert failed

Next i used:

git revert --no-commit fixingHashCode..HEAD -m 3

And a error was reported again:

error: mainline was specified but commit fixingHashCode is not a merge. fatal: revert failed

How can i acheive this?


If it's an urgent question I guess you can.just revert the commits and jump one commit backwards on HEAD on the tree.

