laravel datatable relationships

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-07-08 00:38:00


So in this app Drawing belongsTo Customer. I have datatable

            <table id='drawing-table' class="table table-bordered table-hover">
                        <th>Drawing number</th>

which indicates $darwing->number and $customer->title. To load info I use yajra\Datatables\Datatables;.

Data is loaded with this JS method:

$(function () {
        processing: true,
        serverSide: true,
        ajax: '{{route('drawings.datatable')}}',
        columns: [
            { data: 'number', name: 'number' },
            { data: 'customer.title', name: 'customer' },

And this Laravel method:

public function datatable()
    $drawings = Drawing::select(array('','drawings.number'));

    return Datatables::of(Drawing::with('customer')->select('*'))->make(true);


  1. How do I make datatable search window to work with $customer->title?
  2. How do I display drawing number and customer title as link?


    public function datatable()

        //reference customer table
        $drawings = DB::table('customers')
            // join it with drawing table
            ->join('drawings', 'drawings.customer_id', '=', '')
            //select columns for new virtual table. ID columns must be renamed, because they have the same title
            ->select([' AS drawing_id', 'drawings.number', 'customers.title', ' AS customer_id']);

        // feed new virtual table to datatables and let it preform rest of the query (like, limit, skip, order etc.)
        return Datatables::of($drawings)
            ->editColumn('title', function($drawings) {
                return '<a href="'.route('', $drawings->customer_id).'">' . $drawings->title . '</a>';
            ->editColumn('number', function($drawings) {
                return '<a href="'.route('', $drawings->drawing_id).'">' . $drawings->number . '</a>';

Spent many hours trying to figure it out, hope it saves someone time.


I'm not really sure about your first question. Datatables search window will search all the content. Do you want to make it specific to just 1 column?

To answer your second question, you can edit the column output. Try this

$drawings = Drawing::select(array('','drawings.number'));

return Datatables::of(Drawing::with('customer')->select('*'))
        ->editColumn('customer', function($drawings) {
            return '<a href="#">' . $drawings->customer . '</a>';


To achieve the search that you want, You'll want to do something like this:

public function datatable(Request $request)
    $drawings = Drawing::select(array('','drawings.number'));

    return Datatables::of(Drawing::with('customer')->select('*'))
            ->filter(function ($query) use ($request) {
                if ($request->has('name')) {
                    $query->where('customer.customer_name', 'like', "%{$request->get('name')}%");
            ->editColumn('customer', function($drawings) {
                return '<a href="#">' . $drawings->customer->customer_name . '</a>';

Then, in your JS

$(function () {
        processing: true,
        serverSide: true,
        ajax: {
            url: '{{route('drawings.datatable')}}',
            data: function (d) {
       = $('input[name=name]').val();
        columns: [
            { data: 'number', name: 'number' },
            { data: 'customer.title', name: 'customer' },

This is untested, but should achieve what you want.


you may also use elequent relationships with yajra here is the example code.

$sub_sectors = Sector::where('parent_id', '>', 0)->with('parent')->latest()->get();
    $sub_sectors->sector = $sub_sectors->parent->title['en'];

in this example you can get sector against sub sector with each method you can get sector name and now you can display sector in your yajra table

