Embedding turtle graphics in Pyqt5 interface

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-06-23 15:59:25


I'm trying to make GUI in pyqt5 with only a button and a simple recursive drawing

what're the ideal tools for this task? I tried Turtle which is simple and get the job done but I don't know how to embed the graphics inside pyqt it opens a different window


turtle is built on top of tkinter. tkinter and pyqt5 each use their own event loop. I don't think it is possible (or at least, it wouldn't be very easy) to mix two different GUI toolkits (tkinter and pyqt5) in one app.

If you want to use turtle, you should build the GUI with tkinter and embed a RawTurtle in a canvas.

Or, alternatively, build the GUI with pyqt5, and make the drawing with, perhaps, a QPen.

