AWS Lambda Powershell to create mailbox in Hybrid(run powershell commands in both Office 365 and On-Prem)

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-04-30 10:09:36


Now that AWS Lambda supports PowerShell core according to this blog, has anybody tried running PowerShell commands to create Mailbox in Hybrid env(run PS cmdlets in both On-prem and office 365 env) using lambda? I couldn't find anything online which does that. Most of the Lambda Powershell usecases seems to be related to using PowerShell scripts to automate and manage AWS resources. I'm working on a POC for a REST service which does all of the mailbox creation operations and was planning to use API gateway to invoke lambda powershell.

I did setup my environment following aws documentation and created a PowerShell script which performs mailbox operation and created and deployed lambda. Upon testing, i'm getting the following errors while creating a PowerShell session for O365 env.

Script snippet:

    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $mycreds -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Write-Host "Created session for PS"
Import-PSSession $Session
Write-Host "Imported Session"
Write-Host "Getting Mailbox"
Get-Mailbox -Identity 'mailbox'

Cloudwatch Logs:

[Error] - This parameter set requires WSMan, and no supported WSMan client library was found. WSMan is either not installed or unavailable for this system.
[Information] - Created session for PS
[Error] - Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Session'. The argument is null. Provide a valid value for the argument, and then try running the command again.
[Information] - Imported Session
[Information] - Getting Mailbox
[Error] - The term 'Get-Mailbox' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

Wondering if anyone has tried invoking Office 365/on-prem mailbox creation PS scripts using lambda or point me to the right direction? Thanks

I would also like to know, if with AWS lambda powershell core can i winrm into another windows box so that i can execute powershell mailbox commands? According to the ans dated in 10/2018 we cannot, but wondering if anyone knows anything latest on this.


I am working the same task. API->Lambda->C#/PowerShell->Office360->CreateMailbox. However I'm hung up on the same line as well, but slightly different message.

What do you have for a Requires line in your ps1 file?

Requires -Modules @{ModuleName='AWS.Tools.Common';ModuleVersion=''}

I am assuming you are using ModuleVersion='3.3.618.0' per the linked blog post, but there is a '' version available. ... However it hasn't help me yet, but perhaps it would help you. Here is link with the upgrade information.

