I just discover Twitter Bootstrap and I'm wondering if there is a right-to-left (RTL) version of it. Does anyone know?
I would suggest this http://pyjamacoder.com/2012/02/01/twitter-bootstrap-v2-rtl-edition/
I like this: http://rbootstrap.ir/
It works really well.
For Bootstrap 3; I recommend this library. It works on top of Bootstrap core (think of it as a Bootstrap theme) which gives you the advantage of keeping Bootstrap core up-to-date without losing the RTL support.
For Bootstrap 2; I would suggest this repository. It works standalone (not using Bootstrap core as a dependency).
bootstrap 3 arabic RTL ... link: https://github.com/zeroxme/bootstrap-3-arabic
My answer here for:
bootstrap-3-3-7-rtl and RTL Bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha.6.1
thank you parsmizban.com for creating and share.
This is pretty good for bootstrap 3 RTL support. http://www.eyadio.com/post/2013/08/29/Twitter-Boostrap-version-3-with-RTL-support