I'm trying to show a ground overlay with markers on it to my users. I'm trying to restrain the view to only this image placed on the map. I want the user to only see the image as a ground overlay placed on the map and not be able to go to the surrounding map. And if they go over the edge, the gestures will be blocked.
I want something like this:
I don't want this: show-only-ground-overlays-map-android or this:
I tried to set my map.setLatLngBoundsForCameraTarget()
to my image bounds but the result is something like the previous image...
The next thing I tried is to set a bunch of LatLng
objects all around the ground overlay and check with curScreen.contains(customMapDetectionPoints.get(LatLng Object))
to see if they appear on the viewport. It's does work but I can't stop the camera to go over the edge...
Here my test code so far :
private GroundOverlay groundOverlay;
private GoogleMap globalMap;
private final int DETECTION_POINTS_CUSTOM_MAP = 20;
private List<LatLng> customMapDetectionPoints = new ArrayList<>();
//Fully Working as suppose to
public void onMapReady(GoogleMap map) {
//Other Stuff...
LatLngBounds mapBounds = groundOverlay.getBounds();
globalMap = map;
LatLng northwest = new LatLng( mapBounds.northeast.latitude, mapBounds.southwest.longitude);
LatLng northeast = mapBounds.northeast;
LatLng southeast = new LatLng( mapBounds.southwest.latitude, mapBounds.northeast.longitude);
LatLng southwest = mapBounds.southwest;
//My ground overlay is rectangle so I don't need to follow a path or something like that
setDetectionPoints(northwest, southwest);
setDetectionPoints(northeast, southeast);
setDetectionPoints(northwest, northeast);
setDetectionPoints(southwest, southeast);
map.setOnCameraMoveStartedListener(new GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener() {
public void onCameraMoveStarted(int i) {
LatLngBounds curScreen = globalMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds;
CameraPosition cameraPosition = globalMap.getCameraPosition();
for (int x =0;x<customMapDetectionPoints.size();x++) {
if (curScreen.contains(customMapDetectionPoints.get(x))) {
Log.d("OUT", "Ground Overlay is outside viewport");
} else {
Log.d("IN", "Ground Overlay is inside viewport");
//Add 20 new location between two location
//Fully Working as suppose to
public void setDetectionPoints(LatLng fromPos, LatLng toPos) {
double pointLatitude = fromPos.latitude;
double pointLongitude = fromPos.longitude;
double addingValue;
if (fromPos.latitude == toPos.latitude) {
addingValue = (toPos.longitude - fromPos.longitude)/DETECTION_POINTS_CUSTOM_MAP;
for (int i = 0; i < DETECTION_POINTS_CUSTOM_MAP; i++) {
pointLongitude += addingValue;
LatLng pointsPos = new LatLng(pointLatitude, pointLongitude);
} else if (fromPos.longitude == toPos.longitude) {
addingValue = (toPos.latitude - fromPos.latitude)/DETECTION_POINTS_CUSTOM_MAP;
for (int i = 0; i < DETECTION_POINTS_CUSTOM_MAP; i++) {
pointLatitude += addingValue;
LatLng pointsPos = new LatLng(pointLatitude, pointLongitude);
//The problem is here!
public void cancelMapMovement(CameraPosition camPos ) {
//And make sure that the user dosen't see over the edge
At this point I think I have two possible solutions:
1- Only use the setLatLngBoundsForCameraTarget()
function and set a offset or margin to the camera. But is it possible and will it work for my use case ?
2- Solve my camera restriction problem with the code already written
Thanks for helping! Suggest other solution if you find one!
I will provide more info if wanted.