I am currently trying to use a custom class both in python and in c++ with pybind11. The motivation behind this is to use a python-trained classifier within c++.
There are some working examples, e.g. in the official documentation https://pybind11.readthedocs.io/en/stable/advanced/cast/custom.html or by the nice examples from tdegeus https://github.com/tdegeus/pybind11_examples/blob/master/09_numpy_cpp-custom-matrix/pybind_matrix.h However, i still have problems to transfer this to a simple example with a custom class.
Below is a minimal working example with a wrapper function for pybind11 in c++ and the use of it in python.
#include <vector>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
namespace py = pybind11;
//A custom data class
class class_DATA{
std::vector<int> a;
//the actual function
class_DATA func_test(class_DATA data){
std::vector<int> a = {1,2};
data.a = a;
return data;
//the wrapper function that communicates with python
py::object wrapper(py::object data_py){
class_DATA data_cpp = class_DATA();
py::object a = data_py.attr("a");
data_cpp.a = a.cast<std::vector<int>>();
class_DATA data_result_cpp = func_test(data_cpp);
py::object data_result_py = data_py;
data_result_py.attr("a") = py::cast(data_result_cpp.a);
return data_result_py;
//defining the modules
m.doc() = "pybind11 example plugin";
//the test function
m.def("func_test", &wrapper);
//the custom class
py::class_<class_DATA>(m, "class_DATA", py::dynamic_attr())
.def_readwrite("a", &class_DATA::a);
from build.Debug.TEST import func_test
//the custom data class in python
class class_DATA_py:
def __init__(self):
self.a = [0]
test_py = class_DATA_py()
data_return = func_test(test_py)
The output input is data.a = 0 and the output data_return.a = [1,2] as desired.
How can I replace the wrapper function call with a custom caster? Most likely with the general shape outlined below (?)
namespace pybind11 { namespace detail {
template <> struct type_caster<class_DATA> : public type_caster_base<class_DATA> {
using base = type_caster_base<class_DATA>;
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(class_DATA, _("class_DATA"));
// Conversion part 1 (Python->C++):
bool load(py::handle src, bool convert){
PyObject *source = src.ptr();
//what to do here?
return true;
// Conversion part 2 (C++ -> Python):
static py::handle cast(class_DATA src, py::return_value_policy policy, py::handle parent){
//what to do here?
return base::cast(src, policy, parent);
c++ is not my forte and python crashes repeatedly without any error messages when I meddle with this part, so any help would be really appreciated.