I'm able to intercept Dojo 1.6.1 xhr requests using IO Pipeline Topics as described here:
Dojo - intercepting XHR calls
I would like to add a time parameter to the URL (f.e. &time=12345
) to prevent cache in certain (or all) xhr GET requests originating from dojox.data.JsonRestStore
(details of what I'm trying to achieve are here). My code looks like this:
dojo.subscribe("/dojo/io/send", function(deferred) {
if (deferred.ioArgs.url.indexOf("restService1") > -1) {
deferred.ioArgs.url += '&time=12345' // test value at this point
Basically I'm trying to cancel the request, add a string to URL and then make the request with the modified URL.
This does not work at all: the request with modified URL does not end up to the server and I'm getting a lot of these errors to browser console:
The errors occur in line 14 of dojo.js. The Chrome tab crashes eventually after these errors.
I also tried just modifying deferred.ioArgs.url
and doing nothing else but that has no effect.
Both dojo/io/script
and dojo/xhr
have a preventCache
parameter that does exactly what you are trying to do. So instead of trying to intercept, can you just add preventCache: true
to the request arguments?
The answer comes once again from Sven Hasselbach:
* Cache Prevention for Dojo xhr requests
* Adds no-cache header and enables dojo's preventCache feature
* for every dojo xhr call. This prevents the caching of partial
* refreshs.
* @author Sven Hasselbach
* @version 0.3
if( !dojo._xhr )
dojo._xhr = dojo.xhr;
dojo.xhr = function(){
var args = arguments[1];
args["preventCache"] = true;
args["headers"] = { "cache-control": "no-cache" };
arguments[1] = args;
dojo._xhr( arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2] );
Tried it out and it does exactly what I was looking for by adding &dojo.preventCache=1359366392301
parameter to the xhr URLs. And it seems to add a cache-control header too.