
How to run onLoad event for a Dojo Dialog?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-07 18:13:33
问题 I have a Dojo dialog with content coming in from an ajax call. In the dialog I need an onLoad event (with parameters that are available only after the ajax call - so I cannot have the function called before ) The onLoad event that I have in the body tag of my jsp which is the response from the ajax call is not being called - <body onload="new_record(${record_size}, '${id}')"> Any help/hint would be very nice. Thanks. 回答1: Dijit dialog supports an onShow method - you can do

Using multiple Javascript frameworks in a project?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-07 08:50:39
问题 Is it good or okay to have several frameworks in a project, or is it bad because it gets cluttered (= a mess), and the loading times maybe get's longer. Does some 100 K matter really? Or should you stick with one? 回答1: It's generally better to pick one thing and stick with it, for a number of reasons: Fewer dependencies. Lower complexity. Easier to maintain. Faster loading times. No likelihood of dependency conflicts (i.e. jQuery can't conflict with your other Javascript framework if you only

Using multiple Javascript frameworks in a project?

核能气质少年 提交于 2021-02-07 08:44:34
问题 Is it good or okay to have several frameworks in a project, or is it bad because it gets cluttered (= a mess), and the loading times maybe get's longer. Does some 100 K matter really? Or should you stick with one? 回答1: It's generally better to pick one thing and stick with it, for a number of reasons: Fewer dependencies. Lower complexity. Easier to maintain. Faster loading times. No likelihood of dependency conflicts (i.e. jQuery can't conflict with your other Javascript framework if you only

How to implement autocomplete while using locator in arcgis

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-01-28 12:09:55
问题 The below code is to find a location on map, once the location is entered in a textbox.Please note in the below code that I am using 'locator' instead of 'geocoder' as i would like to have custom textbox instead of the textbox provided by the 'esri/dijit/geocoder' and also i would like to get the geocoordinates values using locator. In the below code, i would like to add 'autocomplete' feature in textbox that has the same functionality as of 'autocomplete' feature in 'geocoder'. <!DOCTYPE

dojo multipleDefine error with mapkitJS and ArcGIS esri-loader

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-01-28 01:11:19
问题 I cannot figure out where MapkitJS and esri-loader are having issues together. From researching on here and elsewhere, it seems like there is likely a naming conflict with another package. Here is a link of the resolved issue for esri-loader . I read all the pages on that link. I have a site that uses both MapkitJs and ArcGIS . Mapkit has always worked fine until I brought in ArcGIS . Both scripts are lazy loaded via a provider. After reading about the issues, I wait until Mapkit is

i18n server-side vs. client-side

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-01-22 09:35:26
问题 Seeking some advice on two approaches to internationalization & localization. I have a web app using Spring MVC and Dojo, and I would like to support multiple languages. So, I could: Use <spring:message> to generate the appropriate text on the server side using a properties file. Use dojo/i18n to select the appropriate text on the client side using a js file. And of course any combination of the two is also an option. So, what are the pros and cons of each approach? When would you use one vs.

i18n server-side vs. client-side

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-01-22 09:33:30
问题 Seeking some advice on two approaches to internationalization & localization. I have a web app using Spring MVC and Dojo, and I would like to support multiple languages. So, I could: Use <spring:message> to generate the appropriate text on the server side using a properties file. Use dojo/i18n to select the appropriate text on the client side using a js file. And of course any combination of the two is also an option. So, what are the pros and cons of each approach? When would you use one vs.


一笑奈何 提交于 2020-11-02 08:14:43
  早在去年,马斯克就在特斯拉的自动驾驶日上着重介绍了 Dojo 项目。上周,基于 Dojo 的最新计算能力,特斯拉推出了自动驾驶测试版。   那些尝试了最新版本软件的自动驾驶汽车,可以处理交叉路口和环形路口这种更复杂的路况。早期版本的自动驾驶系统在通过环形路时有困难,很少能在没有人工干预的情况下通过环形路。   众所周知,马斯克不看好基于激光雷达的自动驾驶解决方案,选择了纯视觉计算的解决方案。Dojo 就是他尝试解决问题的路径。   在 2020 年第二季度的财报电话会议上,马斯克曾表示:   现在发生的真正的重要里程碑是自动系统或汽车的转变,比如人工智能,从 2.5 维思考 —— 孤立的图片,时间上有严格的关联但是不是很理想,转换到 4 维,本质上就是视频。这种架构上的改变,已经进行了一段时间…… 这对于完全自动驾驶来说真的很重要。很难说一个完整的 4 维系统能工作得多好。这是基础,汽车将有巨大的改进。      图| 特斯拉 4D 软件(来源:TESMANIAN)   Dojo 是一个超级强大用于自动驾驶训练计算机,能够进行每秒 1018 万亿次的浮点运算。其目标是能够接收大量的数据,进行视频级别的训练,并在无人监督的情况下使用 Dojo 程序对大量视频进行大规模训练。   马斯克曾表示,“Dojo 使用我们自己的芯片和为神经网络训练优化的计算机架构,而不是 GPU 集群。”

iPhone 12或9月10日亮相国内;华为推出PC版HMS“擎云生态”;银河麒麟操作系统V10发布 | EA周报

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-10-30 19:56:49
EA周报 2020年8月21日 每 个星期7分钟,元宝带你喝一杯IT人的浓缩咖啡,了解天下事、掌握IT核心技术。 周报看点 1、 国内首个 App SDK 国家标准成功立项 2、 构建低代码生态,APICloud宣布进入3.0时代 3、 华为推出PC版HMS“擎云生态”:已适配458款国产软硬件 4、 国产操作系统重大突破,银河麒麟操作系统V10发布原生支持海量安卓应用 5 苹果与Epic冲突升级或影响全球数百款游戏开发 6、 特斯拉开发Dojo神经网络训练计算机,帮助实现全自动驾驶目标 7、 周鸿祎:有的软件会偷拍偷录,来匹配用户兴趣爱好 热点大事件 阿里巴巴:将停止UC web和其他创新业务在印度的服务 阿里巴巴方面表示,将停止UC Web和其他创新业务在印度的服务,但不会对集团整体造成影响。今年 6 月 29 日,印度信息技术部宣布禁用 TikTok、微信、QQ、UCWeb 浏览器等 59 款中国应用。此后消息称,阿里巴巴旗下 UCWeb 正在裁减印度的员工。报道指出,UCWeb 于十年前进入印度,在推出浏览器的同时,还有一个新闻应用和 Vmate 短视频应用。 国内首个 App SDK 国家标准成功立项,华为、小米等参与编制 昨日,《移动互联网应用程序 (App)SDK 安全指南》(以下简称《指南》)编制工作研讨会在北京召开。 据悉,该《指南》将会是国内首个关于 SDK


和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-10-07 04:50:44
上一篇我们讲解了ES6中Promise的用法,但是知道了用法还远远不够,作为一名专业的前端工程师,还必须通晓原理。所以,为了补全我们关于Promise的知识树,有必要理解Promise/A+规范,理解了它你才能知道Promise内部是怎么回事,我们ES6中的Promise是如何一路走来的。 网上关于Promise/A+的翻译文档很多,所以我就不翻译一次了,本篇的目的在于为文档增加一些标注,以帮助我们更好的理解。翻译内容引用自: ,部分我认为不太合适的有作修改。 术语 Promise promise 是一个拥有 then 方法的对象或函数,其行为符合本规范; thenable 是一个定义了 then 方法的对象或函数,文中译作“拥有 then 方法”; 值(value) 指任何 JavaScript 的合法值(包括 undefined , thenable 和 promise); 异常(exception) 是使用 throw 语句抛出的一个值。 拒绝原因(reason) 表示一个 promise 的拒绝原因。 要求 Promise 的状态 一个 Promise 的当前状态必须为以下三种状态中的一种: 等待态(Pending) 、 完成 态(Fulfilled