I would like to wrap within a cell if the number of characters present is greater than 80
I try to use Multicell but a whole line is skipped
pdf.SetTopMargin 0
pdf.SetFont Font_Family_T,"",Font_5
pdf.Cell 5,Dist_6,"" & ZZ,"TBL",0,"C"
pdf.SetTopMargin 0
pdf.SetFont Font_Family_T,"",Font_5
pdf.Cell 107,Dist_6,"" & getvalue(objrs ,"w_orcdar") & " | " & getvalue(objrs ,"w_ordesa") & "-" & getvalue(objrs ,"w_ornote") ,"BTL",0,"L"
pdf.SetTopMargin 0
pdf.SetFont Font_Family_T,"",Font_5
pdf.Cell 15,Dist_6,"" & getvalue(objrs ,"w_ordtc1"),"TL",0,"C"
pdf.SetTopMargin 0
pdf.SetFont Font_Family_T,"",Font_5
pdf.Cell 10,Dist_6,"" & getvalue(objrs ,"w_orordi") & " (" & um_base & ")","TL",0,"C"
this is the result but it is not correct
I want to increase cell height so as not to wrap up