i have the following code:
$url = "http://icons3.iconfinder.netdna-cdn.com/data/icons/pool/poolbird.png";
if (filter_var ($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === FALSE) {
echo "Invalid Url";
} else {
echo "Works!";
This displays:
invalid url (FALSE)
for the above url, but not for other simpler urls. Is this a bug? you can even access the image.
And the most important is what's the solution for this?
PHP < 5.2.13 contains a bug in FILTER_VALIDATE_URL
that considers urls containing the '-' (http://bugs.php.net/51192). You either need to upgrade your copy of php or use a different filtering mechanism.
That code prints "Works!" for me. What version of PHP are you using? Can you post a link to a PHP page containing:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Also, see this question.
Running PHP 5.2.13, I get this response when trying to filter a valid URL:
php > var_dump(filter_var("http://www.asdf-asdf.com", FILTER_VALIDATE_URL));
This is clearly not what I woukd expect it to return. The domain is valid.
This has evidently been fixed now, and will be included in PHP 5.3.3 and 5.2.14, more info in this bugreport: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51192
The source archive from http://www.php.net/get/php-5.3.2.tar.bz2/from/a/mirror contains a strange version of ext/filter/logical_filter.c, a version I can't find in the cvs. This version performs an "extra" test on the host part of the url
e = url->host + strlen(url->host);
s = url->host;
while (s < e) {
if (!isalnum((int)*(unsigned char *)s) && *s != '_' && *s != '.') {
goto bad_url;
which doesn't allow a hyphen in the host name like in icons3.iconfinder.netdna-cdn.com
Very strange and very wrong.