doInBackground run so fast when using AsyncTask in Fragment

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-01-17 03:08:25


I have a problem so strange when using Asynctask in fragment,

In onCreate of Fragment I called AsyncTask like so:

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Step 1 
    new FitnessHistoryDataAsync(getActivity()).execute(10);


and the doInBackground method:

protected Boolean doInBackground(Integer... params) {
    // Step 2 
    Log.i("", "doInBackground");

    Constants.SDK.getFitnessHistoryData(context, 10,
            new FitnessHistoryListener() {

        public void onReceiveFailed(String errorMessage) {
             // Step 4 
            Log.i("", "error " + errorMessage);

        public void onReceiveData(
                FitnessHistory[] fitnessHistoryData) {
            // Step 4 
            Log.i("", "onReceiveData");

    return true;

and the onPostExecute method:

protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) {

    // Step 3 
    Log.i("", "onPostExecute");

            // Hide progress bar dialog

My Asynctask ran as followed: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, then Step 4.

The problem is in the doInBackground method where Step 2 and Step 4 cannot run at the same time before running Step 3 in the onPostExecute method.

I want everything in the doInBackground method to run before going to the onPostExecute method.

Please help me.



I changed to the following code:

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            // Step 1 
    new FitnessHistoryDataAsync(getActivity()).executeonExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, 10);

Although I used AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR or AsyncTask.SERIAL_EXECUTOR to try to fix this problem, but cannot.


Calling new FitnessHistoryDataAsync(getActivity()).execute(10); before super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); is a problem you should fix first.
Change it to something like this

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Step 1 
    new FitnessHistoryDataAsync(getActivity()).execute(10);



It looks like the library I used also is another thread. So, I no need to create new thread AsyncTask.

Just edit coding like this :

Constants.SDK.getFitnessHistoryData(context, 10,
        new FitnessHistoryListener() {

    public void onReceiveFailed(String errorMessage) {
         // Step 4 
        Log.i("", "error " + errorMessage);

    public void onReceiveData(
            FitnessHistory[] fitnessHistoryData) {
        // Step 4 
        Log.i("", "onReceiveData");

        // TODO Directly updated UI in here when already received new data

That's solved my issue.

