I have done a OCR application
for handwritten normal characters
.For the segmentation of characters I have used histogram profile method
. That successfully works for normal English characters.
I have used horizontal projection for line segmentation and vertical projection for character segmentation.
To segment lines of cursive hand written article I can use horizontal projection as previous. But I can't use same methodology for cursive English character segmentation since they are merged each other and also slanted. Can anyone please help me with a way to segment cursive characters.
This is a difficult problem to solve due to the variability between writers and character shapes. One option, which has achieved up to 83% accuracy, is to analyze the ligatures (connections between characters) in the writing and draw columns on the image using those ligatures as a base point. In 2013, Procedia Computer Science proposed this approach and published their research on this particular problem: https://ac.els-cdn.com/S1877050913001464/1-s2.0-S1877050913001464-main.pdf?_tid=5f55eac2-0077-11e8-9d79-00000aacb35f&acdnat=1516737513_c5b6e8cb8184f69b2d10f84cd4975d56
Another approach to try is called skeletal analysis which takes the word as a whole and matches its shape with other known word shapes and predicts the word based on the entire image.
Good luck!