Azure SQL Serverless tier never shuts down

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-01-13 02:54:30


I'm experimenting with the Serverless tier in Azure SQL, but the database never "sleeps" because it seems that Azure is continually querying the database behind the scenes. I created the database via and ARM template.

The "Compute utilisation" and "App CPU Billed" charts on the database overview show that the database is being hit regularly (even though I am not making any queries myself). The Top queries in "Query Performance Insight" are:

(@ip_address_value bigint,@start_ip varchar(45))SELECT top 1 @start_ip = start_ip_address_value FROM sys.database_firewall_rules_table WHERE @ip_address_value BETWEEN start_ip_address_value AND end_ip_address_value OPTION (MAXDOP 1)


(@ip_address_value bigint,@start_ip varchar(45))SELECT top 1 @start_ip = start_ip_address_value FROM sys.database_firewall_rules_table WHERE @ip_address_value BETWEEN start_ip_address_value AND end_ip_address_value AND start_ip_address_value > 0 OPTION (MAXDOP 1)

Which seem to be from the firewall. Do I have to disable the firewall or delete all the rules to allow the database to "sleep"?

