App Store Connect Operation Error: Could not connect to Apple's web service

为君一笑 提交于 2020-01-11 07:34:08


I have been trying to upload my app archive to App Store connect for the past 3 days. In the beginning, there was a problem with the iTMSTransporter and I had to manually install it from iTunes Connect. Now it fails when I try to upload it. This is the error that comes up.

I have tried googling about this problem and I couldn't find a solution that worked for me. I tried using application loader instead of organiser to upload and I still came across the same error. I also tried to not include bitcode when I uploaded the archive and it didn't work. When I use application loader, it seems that the error occurs when it is comparing metadata with the App Store. I am not really sure of what that means but maybe that may be the problem? It would be really helpful if I could get some help with this problem. Thanks in advance.

Edit 1: I tried looking into the diagnostic report and this is what I got.

[2019-04-16 02:49:44 SGT] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Version = 1.11.0
[2019-04-16 02:49:44 SGT] <main> DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
[2019-04-16 02:49:44 SGT] <main>  INFO: id = 20190416024944-407
[2019-04-16 02:49:44 SGT] <main>  INFO: iTMSTransporter Correlation Key: 2a7ba74f-8686-4003-8d70-4793622d6094
[2019-04-16 02:49:44 SGT] <main>  WARN: Web service received a server status of: HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
[2019-04-16 02:49:44 SGT] <main>  WARN: Web service response received: <html>
                <title>502 Bad Gateway</title>
            <h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1>
            <p>Socks5ProtocolException(&quot;SOCKS5 mode failure: SocksError(&#x27;Invalid SOCKS version. Expected 0x05, got 0x43&#x27;,)&quot;,)</p>
[2019-04-16 02:49:44 SGT] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation returned
[2019-04-16 02:49:44 SGT] <main> DBG-X: Sleeping for 4680 ms
[2019-04-16 02:49:49 SGT] <main> DBG-X: Done sleeping
[2019-04-16 02:49:49 SGT] <main> ERROR: Could not connect to Apple's web service.
[2019-04-16 02:49:49 SGT] <main> ERROR: Communication error. Please use diagnostic mode to check connectivity.
[2019-04-16 02:49:49 SGT] <main>  INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Upload","count":2,"description":"Operation failed","index":2},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"}
[2019-04-16 02:49:49 SGT] <main> DBG-X: Returning 1


I had the exact problem. It ended up a network configuration issue. Go to Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies and make sure "Auto Proxy Discovery" and "Automatic Proxy Configuration" are checked but none of the other proxy options are checked. I had to uncheck "SOCKS Proxy" option to resolve the issue.


Follow these steps: - Go to Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies and make sure "Auto Proxy Discovery" and "web proxy (HTTP)". - and try to Upload you app again.

enter image description here

