Entity Framework 6: is there a way to iterate through a table without holding each row in memory

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-01-11 02:06:46


I would like to be able to iterate through every row in an entity table without holding every row in memory. This is a read only operation and every row can be discarded after being processed.

If there is a way to discard the row after processing that would be fine. I know that this can be achieved using a DataReader (which is outside the scope of EF), but can it be achieved within EF?

Or is there a way to obtain a DataReader from within EF without directly using SQL?

More detailed example:

Using EF I can code:

foreach (Quote in context.Quotes)

but to achieve the same result with a DataReader I need to code:

// get the connection to the database
SqlConnection connection = context.Database.Connection as SqlConnection;

// open a new connection to the database

// get a DataReader for our table
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(context.Quotes.ToString(), connection);
SqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader();

// get a recipient for our database fields
object[] L = new object[dr.FieldCount];

while (dr.Read())
    sw.WriteLine(((int)L[0]).ToString() + "," + (string)L[1]);

The difference is that the former runs out of memory (because it is pulling in the entire table in the client memory) and the later runs to completion (and is much faster) because it only retains a single row in memory at any one time.

But equally importantly the latter example loses the Strong Typing of EF and should the database change, errors can be introduced.

Hence, my question: can we get a similar result with strongly typed rows coming back in EF?


Based on your last comment, I'm still confused. Take a look at both of below code.


using (var ctx = new AppContext())
    foreach (var order in ctx.Orders)

Data Reader

var constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AppContext"].ConnectionString;
using (var con = new SqlConnection(constr))
    var cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from dbo.Orders", con);
    var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    while (reader.Read())

Even though EF has few initial query, both of them execute similar query that can be seen from profiler..


I haven't tested it, but try foreach (Quote L in context.Quotes.AsNoTracking()) {...}. .AsNoTracking() should not put entities in cache so I assume they will be consumed by GC when they out of the scope.

Another option is to use context.Entry(quote).State = EntityState.Detached; in the foreach loop. Should have the similar effect as the option 1.

Third option (should definitely work, but require more coding) would be to implement batch processing (select top N entities, process, select next top N). In this case make sure that you dispose and create new context every iteration (so GC can eat it:)) and use proper OrderBy() in the query.


You need to use an EntityDataReader, which behaves in a way similar to a traditional ADO.NET DataReader.

The problem is that, to do so, you need to use ObjectContext instead of DbContext, which makes things harder.

See this SO answer, not the acepted one: How can I return a datareader when using Entity Framework 4?

Even if this referes to EF4, in EF6 things work in the same way. Usually an ORM is not intended for streaming data, that's why this functionality is so hidden.

You can also look at this project: Entity Framework (Linq to Entities) to IDataReader Adapter

