Overriding Joomla core component file

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-10 01:48:06


I am trying to override the com_content/views/article/view.html.php file in joomla using the instructions given in this page

It says I have to create a folder named 'code' in base directory and create the same directory structure. I tried it , but its not working. Can someone confirm whether its working.

Where should I create code folder? Is it on root of joomla installations?

PS- The edit is working correctly when applied on core file


You can override (nearly) any class in Joomla, if your class with the same name is loaded first. To ensure that, you need to create a system plugin.

Here is an example for root/components/com_content/views/article/view.html.php:

class plgSystemOverride extends JPlugin
    public function onAfterRoute()
        JLoader::register('ContentViewArticle', 'path/to/override.php', true);

CAVEAT: Overriding a core class can lead to problems with other extensions, if you're not very careful. For views, though, any interferrence with other extensions is less likely.


You can't override component controllers, models and views in core Joomla! without using a 3rd party plugin.

The plugin you need can be found here: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/style-a-design/templating/15611

The code folder then goes into your Joomla root unless you're overriding a back-end view in which case it goes into /administrator

Hope this helps :)


You can use the Class Overrider Plugin http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/tools/development-tools/23994

just adding some simple human reading commands

