I have implemented a Parse subclass called Filler.swift
that contains five variables that are held in the Parse backend.
Whilst trying to save data to the Parse backend using this subclass I get the error: fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
This is the code that brings about the error (on the self.object.username = username line):
if let username = PFUser.currentUser()?.username {
// set username equal to current user
self.object.username = username
println("PFUser.currentUser()?.username contained a nil value.")
I've figured out that it's something to do with how I'm handling optional variables in my subclass but the Parse documentation isn't clear on exactly how to do this. Here's my code for the subclass:
class Fillup : PFObject, PFSubclassing {
var amount : String? {
get {
return self["amount"] as? String
self["amount"] = newValue
var cost : String? {
get {
return self["cost"] as? String
self["cost"] = newValue
var date : NSDate {
get {
return self["date"] as! NSDate
self["date"] = newValue
var username: String? {
return self["username"] as? String
set {
self["username"] = newValue
var id : Int?{
get {
return self["id"] as? Int
override class func initialize() {
var onceToken : dispatch_once_t = 0;
dispatch_once(&onceToken) {
class func parseClassName() -> String {
return "Fillup"
Any help would be really appreciated.
Did you try adding a ? like so:
self.object?.username = username