This is a flask front end to an Accounting database.
I am struggling to create a form to pass a query back to veiw function, I need to query one or more columns out of eleven columns at once, I have the code for the backend side after somebody helped me here but I dont know how to build a URL like this:
where eq are operators from here. These I can use as a dropdown list to have "eqaul too" "greater than" "not eqaul". Brilliant
Six of my eleven columns have relationships with other tables, when I add a new row with a form I use QuerySelectField to have the correct entries, I often need to add or update the five parent tables so using QuerySelectField is a must. My code for the form is this:
<div class="AUX">
<form action="{{ url_for('books.books', filter=selectaux) }}" method="GET">
{{ aux_form.selectaux(class="input") }}{{ aux_form.submitaux(class="submit") }}
which out puts this:
I have looked at these :- flask creating urls multiple parameters and dynamic urls But the answers arent obvious enough for me, sorry! Also I am using "GET" as the method, is this write? here is my veiw function.
@bp.route("/books", methods=["GET"])
def books():
args = flask.request.args
filters = create_filters(args.get("filter"))
query = Book.query.order_by(Book.date.desc())
query = filter_query(filters, query, Book)
aux_form = SearchAuxForm()
add_form = AddBookForm()
books = []
def get_books(offset=0,per_page=100):
return books[offset: offset + per_page]
for book in query.all():
page, per_page, offset = get_page_args(page_parameter='page',
total = len(books)
pagination_books = get_books(offset=offset,per_page=per_page)
pagination = Pagination(page=page, per_page=per_page, total=total)
return render_template('books/books.html', title='Books', page=page, books=pagination_books,
per_page=per_page, pagination=pagination, aux_form=aux_form, add_form=add_form)
all help or ideas much neede to help this simpleton!
EDIT: Here is my code for AuxSearchForm followed by How I imagine the form might look like:
class SearchAuxForm(FlaskForm):
selectaux = QuerySelectField('Aux', query_factory=AUX, get_label='id')
submitaux = SubmitField('submit')
class SearchForm(FlaskForm)
date = DateField('date', validators=[DataRequired()])
operator = SelectField('op', choices=['eq', 'eq'), ('ne','ne'), ('lt', 'lt'), ('gt', 'gt'), ('le', 'le'), ('ge','ge')
description = StringField('Description', validators=[DataRequired()])
operator = SelectField('op', choices=['eq', 'eq'), ('ne','ne'), ('lt', 'lt'), ('gt', 'gt'), ('le', 'le'), ('ge','ge')
debit = QuerySelectField('Debit', query_factory=debit, get_label='id')
operator = SelectField('op', choices=['eq', 'eq'), ('ne','ne'), ('lt', 'lt'), ('gt', 'gt'), ('le', 'le'), ('ge','ge')
credit = QuerySelectField('Credit', query_factory=credit, get_label='id')
operator = SelectField('op', choices=['eq', 'eq'), ('ne','ne'), ('lt', 'lt'), ('gt', 'gt'), ('le', 'le'), ('ge','ge')
montant = FloatField('Montant', validators=[DataRequired()])
operator = SelectField('op', choices=['eq', 'eq'), ('ne','ne'), ('lt', 'lt'), ('gt', 'gt'), ('le', 'le'), ('ge','ge')
AUX = QuerySelectField('Auxilliare', query_factory=AUX, get_label='id')
operator = SelectField('op', choices=['eq', 'eq'), ('ne','ne'), ('lt', 'lt'), ('gt', 'gt'), ('le', 'le'), ('ge','ge')
TP = QuerySelectField('Type', query_factory=TP, get_label='id')
operator = SelectField('op', choices=['eq', 'eq'), ('ne','ne'), ('lt', 'lt'), ('gt', 'gt'), ('le', 'le'), ('ge','ge')
REF = StringField('REF')
operator = SelectField('op', choices=['eq', 'eq'), ('ne','ne'), ('lt', 'lt'), ('gt', 'gt'), ('le', 'le'), ('ge','ge')
JN = QuerySelectField('JN', query_factory=JN, get_label='id')
operator = SelectField('op', choices=['eq', 'eq'), ('ne','ne'), ('lt', 'lt'), ('gt', 'gt'), ('le', 'le'), ('ge','ge')
PID = QuerySelectField('PID', query_factory=PID, get_label='id')
operator = SelectField('op', choices=['eq', 'eq'), ('ne','ne'), ('lt', 'lt'), ('gt', 'gt'), ('le', 'le'), ('ge','ge')
CT = IntegerField('CT')
operator = SelectField('op', choices=['eq', 'eq'), ('ne','ne'), ('lt', 'lt'), ('gt', 'gt'), ('le', 'le'), ('ge','ge')
submit = SubmitField('submit')
This second form (I only intend to have one form) will enable me to query each row for a value "operator", and also query two or more rows in the same manner, I hope that is understandable! Warm regards Paul