I want an activity that show two (or more) videoview in a linear layout.
Using videoview with local files as datasource all works fine, but using video by stream rtsp I have a Mediaplayer error code like (1,1), usually the first video show correctly and second show error.
I try the two stream one at time, and they works, so there aren't format errors.
I read something about resource release of mediaplayer (link) , but I need that each real-time video are shown.
this is code in my Activity :
videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(R.id.videoView1);
Uri video = Uri.parse(urlVideo+"1");
videoView2 = (VideoView) findViewById(R.id.videoView2);
Uri video2 = Uri.parse(urlVideo+"0");
catch (Exception e) {
and this is the complete error on logcat :
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/Crayon_Player(148): <== setDataSource(rtsp://
01-14 10:57:26.627: V/MediaPlayerService(148): [200] setVideoSurfaceTexture(0x1b808e0)
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/Crayon_Player(148): ==> setVideoSurfaceTexture(0x1b808e0)
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/RTSPEngine(148): @@@VOLOG Info THD 019EBA08: utility.cpp MakeLog 990 2419010028 DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/RTSPEngine(148): CSeq: 1
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/RTSPEngine(148): Accept: application/sdp
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/RTSPEngine(148): Accept-Encoding: identity
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/RTSPEngine(148): Content-Encoding: identity
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/RTSPEngine(148): Content-Language: en-US
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/RTSPEngine(148): User-Agent: Player/LG Player 1.0 for Android(stagefright alternative)
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/RTSPEngine(148):
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/RTSPEngine(148): @@@VOLOG Info THD 019EBA08: utility.cpp MakeLog 990 2419010028
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/Crayon_Player(148): <== setVideoSurfaceTexture(0x1b808e0) return=0
01-14 10:57:26.627: V/MediaPlayerService(148): [200] setVideoSurfaceTexture(0x18fb118)
01-14 10:57:26.627: V/MediaPlayerService(148): [200] setAudioStreamType(3)
01-14 10:57:26.627: V/MediaPlayerService(148): [200] prepareAsync
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/Crayon_Player(148): ==> prepareAsync
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/Crayon_Player(148): <== prepareAsync return=0
01-14 10:57:26.627: I/CrayonGraph-PlayerOMX(148): [SetURL] url=rtsp://
01-14 10:57:26.627: E/CRTSPSource(148): @@@VOLOG Error THD 019ECCC8: CRTSPSource.cpp LoadSource 247 The RTSP Source didn't close correctly!
01-14 10:57:26.627: E/voCOMXFileSource(148): @@@VOLOG Error THD 019ECCC8: voCOMXFileSource.cpp LoadFile 1010 m_pSource->LoadSource was failed. 0X80000007
01-14 10:57:26.627: W/CrayonGraph-Base(148): [setParameter] comp=OMX.VisualOn.FileSource, paramIndex=0x100000d, pData=0x1915120, eRet = 0x80001001
01-14 10:57:26.627: E/CrayonGraph-PlayerOMX(148): [setURI] OMX_IndexParamContentURI fail 1
01-14 10:57:26.627: E/CrayonGraph-PlayerBuilder(148): setURI fail 1
01-14 10:57:26.627: E/Crayon_PlayerEngine(148): ERROR!! notifyListener_l msg[100] ext1[1] ext2[1]
01-14 10:57:26.627: V/MediaPlayerService(148): [200] notify (0x190da70, 100, 1, 1)
01-14 10:57:26.627: E/MediaPlayer(31866): error (1, 1)
I have not seen a device that could support more than 4 concurrent active instances of VideoView (or meadia player, or stagefright, or OpenMAX). If your CPU is powerful enough, you should use a software solution (ffmpeg, or gstreamer).