Say I am making something like a quiz, and I have a counter to show the number of questions that have been answered correctly. When one question is correctly answered, and a new screen(Activity) is shown, how do I carry over the number to the next screen?
When you say screens do you mean Activities? Then you probably want to pass them via extras in your intents.
Activity 1:
int score;
Intent Intent = new Intent(...);
intent.putExtra("score_key", score);
Activity 2's onCreate()
int score;
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
// Read the extras data if it's available.
if (extras != null)
score = extras.getInt("score_key");
You can send numbers, strings, etc in a bundle with your intent.
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putInt("testScore", numCorrect);
Intent i = new Intent(this, MyClass.class);
you can also put StringArrays and a few other simple vars
One of this way you can share your data among whole project,
public class mainClass
private static int sharedVariable = 0;
public static int getSharedVariable()
return sharedVariable;
From the other class/activity , you can access it directly using classname and . (dot) operator. e.g. mainClass.getSharedVariable();
A good practice for storing variables across Activitiys is using a own implementation of the Application Class.
public class MyApp extends android.app.Application {
private String myVariable;
public String getMyVariable() {
return myVariable;
public void setMyVariable(String var) {
this.myVariable = var;
Add the new Class in the Manifest.xml inside the application tag:
<application android:name="MyApp" android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
Now you can manipulate the variable in every Activity as follows:
MyApp ctx = (MyApp)getApplicationContext();
String var = ctx.getMyVariable();