Freebase API : User Rate Limit Exceeded

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-04 01:56:35


Had an issue with my application and I exceeded the per second user rate. This is the error I'm getting.

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "usageLimits",
    "reason": "userRateLimitExceededUnreg",
    "message": "User Rate Limit Exceeded. Please sign up",
    "extendedHelp": ""
  "code": 403,
  "message": "User Rate Limit Exceeded. Please sign up"

I have fixed my code so I no longer will exceed the limit, but still getting the error even after 4 days. I really don't need more than the normal quota so how do I get past this?

Also what do they mean by Please sign up? Are they talking about requesting additional quota limits?

Is there a way to query Freebase to keep track of your query count on a per second basis and a 24 hour cycle? I am passing in my API Key.


Thanks Shawn, The issue was a space between key and the = sign. Spaces are ok in the MQL query itself, but not the rest of the URL.


For the 2nd part of your question. If you go to the API Console and click on Reports you'll see a graph of how many requests are being made to each API on a daily basis.

