Jupyter notebook custom.js not applied when using “Restarting & Run All”

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-04 01:51:23


In order to get the name of a running Jupyter notebook, I first added the following line in ~/.jupyter/custom/custom.js

// Create a nb_name variable with the name of the notebook
IPython.notebook.kernel.execute('nb_name = "' + IPython.notebook.notebook_name + '"');

Then on my notebook when I run a cell with:


I get:

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-7e37f787d8df> in <module>()
----> 1 print(nb_name)

NameError: name 'nb_name' is not defined

To solve this issue I need to add a first line with an alert command:

alert("hello world from custom.js")

// Create a nb_name variable with the name of the notebook
IPython.notebook.kernel.execute('nb_name = "' + IPython.notebook.notebook_name + '"');

Then an alert window shows up when I load my notebook, and once I closed it, I get the notebook name as expected.

How could I make it work without any action from the user (I am using notebook version 5.0.0 and as I am not the admin of the server cannot update it)?


Question in Waiting for kernel to be ready when executing code via Jupyter kernel (Jupyter Notebook extension) solved partially the problem. Custom.js file containing:

Jupyter.notebook.events.one('kernel_ready.Kernel', () => {
     // Create a nb_name variable with the name of the notebook
     IPython.notebook.kernel.execute('nb_name = "' + IPython.notebook.notebook_name + '"');

Return the notebook name as expected. Now the problem is I still get the error message mentioned above when I "Restart & Run All". Any comment or idea would be welcome.


custom.js kernel_ready.Kernel event is triggered only once when the page is loaded, but it is not triggered after Restart & Run all (or any variants of it). My solution to this problem is a bit hackie:

 * `kernel_ready` logic
function custom_kernel_ready_handler() {
    IPython.notebook.kernel.execute('nb_name = "' + IPython.notebook.notebook_name + '"');

function handle_kernel_ready() {
    // Create a nb_name variable with the name of the notebook
     console.log('kernel_ready.Kernel: handle_kernel_ready() was triggered!');

     Jupyter.notebook.events.one('kernel_ready.Kernel', () => {
         //this recursive behavior is esential for `restart` kernel

Jupyter.notebook.events.one('kernel_ready.Kernel', () => {

Hoping for better solutions ...

