Adding certificate to trusted root authority

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-03 03:43:07


I have moved to Windows Vista Business recently and am facing an issue with installng my networks cetiicate in the trusted root authority. on clicking on install certificate, i select the store where the certificat should be stored, which is Trusted Root Authorities-->Local Computer In XP. but in Vista i am not getting the Option to store on Local Computer. instead i only get Registry and Smart Card. Anyone who can help me to add the certificate in the Local computer Store?


i have just found the solition for my problem,may be someone needs it.

  1. Vista-Accessories-Command prompt -right click and select "Run as administrator" 2 From the command prompt type "c:\temp\testroot.cer"
  2. Click on the Install Certificate button, Next
  3. Select Place all certificates in the following store, Browse
  4. Select Show physical stores, scroll up, expand Trusted Root Certification Authorities, select Local Computer, OK, Next, Finish

