I was trying to write a script to 'play' some keys on this online keyboard by using JavaScript to 'click' the keys for me.
The code
//sample array to iterate over
var keys_ = ['et', 'dst', 'et', 'dst', 'et', 'b', 'dt', 'ct', 'a', ...];
//handles the clicking only
function playKey(id_) {
key_ = document.getElementById(id_);
key_.click(); }
//iterates over the array
function playKeys(keys_) {
delay = 1000;
for (i = 0; i < keys_.length; i++) {
key_ = keys_[i];
window.setTimeout('playKey(key_)', delay);
delay += 1000;
The output
The console throws the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null p-ano.html:142
8 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'click' of null
As you can see, the delay
and key_
values are perfectly correct. But still when I execute this, after a second (i.e., the 1st timeout), all the keys seem to play at once and then nothing happens.
What am I doing wrong?
P.S.: I've seen other questions like this one and searched Google and other forums, to no avail
Learn about closures.
window.setTimeout(function(){ playKey(key_); }, delay);
and you have a problem with globals and locals. Use var!
The way I would write it would be
( function() {
var keys_ = ['et', 'dst', 'et', 'dst', 'et', 'b', 'dt', 'ct', 'a'],
delay = 250,
currentIndex = 0,
playKeys = function () {
if (currentIndex<keys_.length) {
Huh? There's already a built-in function called playstr()
function playstr(instr) {
keystr = instr;
time = 0;
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < keystr.length; i++) {
setTimeout("playkbd(keystr[k])", time += 50);
setTimeout("k++", time + 50);
setTimeout("cb()", time += 200);
Try pressing 'z', 'x', or 'm' to run them.
if (key=="z")
playstr("wetyuyuju ujo..juyyuj..uyttfy..yuytft ujp..o;poko opoj..uy\
uju ujo..juyyuj..uyttfy..yuytft w e t y u y uoj u ")
if (key=="x")
playstr("tgtdtgtdtgghhgtdd tgtdtgtdtgghhgtdd djjjkjhh\
jhghjhg djjjkjhhjhghjhg djjjkjhhjhghjhg djjjkjhhjh tgtdtgtdtgghhgtdd")
if (key=="m")
playstr(" k j y j k j y f e f e a e f y j k j y j k j y f e f e a e f y\
j k j y j k j y f e f e a e f y j k j y j k j y f e f e a e f y j ")
I am running a mirror and want to know how to auto-play chords.
// F F 1 F A N F A R E
if (key==".") {
setTimeout("playstr('u y u yo ok ok ku y g yf u y u yo ok ok ku y u op ')",100)
I am assuming the code you have posted is exactly what you are running. In this case the three dots are illegal.
keys_ = ['et', 'dst', 'et', 'dst', 'et', 'b', 'dt', 'ct', 'a', ...]
Try removing them like
keys_ = ['et', 'dst', 'et', 'dst', 'et', 'b', 'dt', 'ct', 'a']
Also, as a tip, try writing cleaner javascript. Use var
before declaring variables. End your statements with ;