
Detect keypress in console application?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-02-19 05:31:59
问题 I need to detect a keypress in a console application, without prompting the user. Basically, my app is normally a daemon that listens to a special input device, but i need to simulate it on a dev box using the keyboard in interactive mode. How can I do this? - Im on a Linux system. 回答1: If you can't block while waiting for input, then you can use e.g. select to check if the STDIN_FILENO file descriptor is ready for reading, and if it is then you can use normal input functions ( scanf , fgets

Detect keypress in console application?

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-19 05:31:35
问题 I need to detect a keypress in a console application, without prompting the user. Basically, my app is normally a daemon that listens to a special input device, but i need to simulate it on a dev box using the keyboard in interactive mode. How can I do this? - Im on a Linux system. 回答1: If you can't block while waiting for input, then you can use e.g. select to check if the STDIN_FILENO file descriptor is ready for reading, and if it is then you can use normal input functions ( scanf , fgets

Detect keypress in console application?

假如想象 提交于 2021-02-19 05:31:08
问题 I need to detect a keypress in a console application, without prompting the user. Basically, my app is normally a daemon that listens to a special input device, but i need to simulate it on a dev box using the keyboard in interactive mode. How can I do this? - Im on a Linux system. 回答1: If you can't block while waiting for input, then you can use e.g. select to check if the STDIN_FILENO file descriptor is ready for reading, and if it is then you can use normal input functions ( scanf , fgets

Pygame music pause/unpause toggle

蓝咒 提交于 2021-02-16 20:56:17
问题 Okay here's my code: def toggleMusic(): if else: ---event handling--- if pressed 'm' it should toggle whether the music is paused and not paused toggleMusic() It can pause the music but not unpause, any explanation? 回答1: Had the same problem. For others' reference, my solution was to use a simple class. class Pause(object): def __init__(self): self.paused = def toggle(self): if

How to get actual key pressed from keytyped java

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-11 17:00:45
问题 I've got the following code public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { int i = e.getKeyChar(); for(int j = 0; j<numbers.length; j++) { if(i!= numbers[j]){ panel.setStatus("player must use 1-5"); return; }} if(!panel.isValidAssign(row, col, i)){ panel.setStatus("invalid user move"); return; } panel.makeAssign(row, col, i); } I'm trying to receive the user input as number between 1 & 5. So far I'm only receiving the unicode for each key whereas I need the actual number. How do I change the code to

How to get actual key pressed from keytyped java

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-11 16:57:54
问题 I've got the following code public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { int i = e.getKeyChar(); for(int j = 0; j<numbers.length; j++) { if(i!= numbers[j]){ panel.setStatus("player must use 1-5"); return; }} if(!panel.isValidAssign(row, col, i)){ panel.setStatus("invalid user move"); return; } panel.makeAssign(row, col, i); } I'm trying to receive the user input as number between 1 & 5. So far I'm only receiving the unicode for each key whereas I need the actual number. How do I change the code to

tkinter using two keys at the same time

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-11 12:37:57
问题 So tkinker can only use one key at a time. I am unable to say move to the left and up at the same time with this example. How would i go about doing it if I wanted to? import tkinter root = tkinter.Tk() root.title('test') c= tkinter.Canvas(root, height=300, width=400) c.pack() body = c.create_oval(100, 150, 300, 250, fill='green') def key(event): OnKeyDown(event.char) print(event.char) def MoveLeft(evenr) c.move(body, -10, 0) def MoveRight(event): c.move(body, 10, 0) def MoveUp(event): c.move

Jquery binding key to body except a class

萝らか妹 提交于 2021-02-10 19:54:23
问题 I'm trying to bind a key to my entire page except to one class of elements. $('*').not('.textarea-note').keypress(function (event) { // if key pressed is space if (event.which == 32) { alert('space pressed'); event.preventDefault(); } }); The problem is that I need to do the preventDefault() and when I'm in a textarea then I can't make a space caracter. Am I doing something wrong or it's not possible to bind to everything except some class or something. Thanks in advance ! Edit : After the

Google Docs simulate keyboard

安稳与你 提交于 2021-02-07 18:27:26
问题 I need to simulate keyboard in google docs with using JavaScript to be able print or erase characters on cursor position. Unfortunately solutions with simulating keypress event didn't work for me. I tried with and without jQuery. After some investigation I detected that Google Docs have virtual keyboard. Clicks on virtual keys calls this function: C.MOa = function(a) { this.dispatchEvent(new Q(Td, {keyCode: a})) }; Where Td is a string "action" and Q some Event class. What is the correct way