I have a subscription made to an entity's attribute to a MySql sink. The problem is that while I was testing my rest service to do a subscription if the data was not yet persisted, i made a ton of subscriptions. Now every time I do an update on the entity's attribute what happens is that the value is persisted a lot of times. Is there anyway of deleting a subscription without the subscriptionID?
Yes, it is. First, you can list the existing subscriptions with the GET /v2/subscriptions
operation (have a look to the draft NGSIv2 specification).
Once you have the IDs the unsubscribeContext operation:
(curl localhost:1026/v1/unsubscribeContext -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' -d @- | python -mjson.tool) <<EOF
"subscriptionId": "51c0ac9ed714fb3b37d7d5a8"
I recommend to have a look to Orion context broker documenation.