attributes: {
username: {
type: 'email', // validated by the ORM
required: true
password: {
type: 'string',
required: true
profile: {
firstname: 'string',
lastname: 'string',
photo: 'string',
birthdate: 'date',
zipcode: 'integer'
followers: 'array',
followees: 'array',
blocked: 'array'
I currently register the user then update profile information post-registration. How to I go about adding the profile data to this model?
I read elsewhere that the push method should work, but it doesn't. I get this error: TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'push'
Users.findOne(req.session.user.id).done(function(error, user) {
firstname : first,
lastname : last,
zipcode: zip
user.save(function(error) {
@Zolmeister is correct. Sails only supports the following model attribute types
string, text, integer, float, date, time, datetime, boolean, binary, array, json
They also do not support associations (which would otherwise be useful in this case)
GitHub Issue #124.
You can get around this by bypassing sails and using mongo's native methods like such:
Model.native(function(err, collection){
// Handle Errors
collection.find({'query': 'here'}).done(function(error, docs) {
// Handle Errors
// Do mongo-y things to your docs here
Keep in mind that their shims are there for a reason. Bypassing them will remove some of the functionality that is otherwise handled behind the scenes (translating id queries to ObjectIds, sending pubsub messages via socket, etc.)
Currently Sails doesn't support nested model definitions (as far as I know). You could try using the 'json'
After that you would simply have:
user.profile = {
firstname : first,
lastname : last,
zipcode: zip
user.save(function(error) {
Too late to reply, but for others (as a reference), they can do something like this:
Users.findOne(req.session.user.id).done(function(error, user) {
profile = {
firstname : first,
lastname : last,
zipcode: zip
User.update({ id: req.session.user.id }, { profile: profile},
function(err, resUser) {